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You are not very clear about this. Did you go into the Admin panel and do the setup, create some polls?
Did you save the file as .php? Saving as .html will cause this error.
Also, did you place this php code at the very top of the document, before the html?
The file has to be on the server for your poll to show up. That's because it is loaded on the server.
If I could see the file you are trying to put this in, perhaps I could help.
Is this what you are trying to do? List all the polls on one page?
Well, thanks, Carbonize, for your quick response. I guess I need to learn about hacking so I better understand how to defend myself. Right now I am clueless as to how or why people do this.
Thanks also for the great contributions you have made to this forum. You have helped a lot of people.
When I first saw the guestbook hacked by "Black Scorpion" I figured it was Americans in disguise. Unfortunately, there are a lot of angry people here since 911 - filled with hate. I guess some of us have forgotten that 2 wrongs don't make it right.
I did this and it worked great - for two days. Who knows why, but on the third day I couldn't get into admin. Even though I hadn't changed anything else, it was once again looking for a file named admin.php. so, I had to put everything back like it originally was... Go figure.
Carbonize wrote:OK as most of you may be aware there is a major exploit in version 2.2 of the advanced guestbook. Because of this a lot of them have been defaced by people calling themselves sblack scorpion, red scorpion etc and claiming to be anti USA and the usual rubbish. Now I have been keeping a log of failed guestbook logins and nearly every IP resolves to an American ISP apart from one which is polish. Just how stupid are these people?
Carbonize, I clicked on this link, but I have to say I don't know how to tell what is a good or bad login there. Is there any way you can share with us who the hackers are and their IPs so the rest of us don't get hacked by them. Maybe we can have a "known hackers" thread or something...?
Are you using a database or a textfile? If database, I think you can delete the encrypted password from the appropriate table.
If you are using textfile, the code for password is in the include/ file - around line 26, look for:
Would suggest you change this back to what is in the original file - hopefully you kept a copy, or here is the code from my copy:
This should return it to the original state, which is:
username: admin
password: poll
Perhaps another solution would be to replace the file and redo your info.
There is only delete. You edit by clicking on the actual poll (under question).
I think the first thing you do when you get a message like this is to try and find the problem code. Your error says the problem occured in install.php on line 242
If you are talking about the guestbook install, line 242 reads:
So, it can't connect to the database, probably because the database name, username or password are incorrect in the config file or, like you said it is incorrectly installed.
First check the guestbook's admin/ file starting on line 2 and make sure the settings are correct:
I voted - no problem, no error message. I guess you fixed it?
Great site!
Here's the post with the instructions:
Next time, please do a search before you post a question, or call your sister.
You have given the address to your admin panel - I think this is an open invitation asking to be hacked.
If when you are in the Administration Panel, you click on help, it will give you the codes to make the poll show up on your page.
Also, Here is a thread:
If you do a search on this forum, you will find many posts to help with this.
Your guestbook opened very quickly from my end - 2 seconds! Sounds like you have overloaded your computer and need to defrag the hard drive, delete temporary internet files, cookies, etc.
I have Advanced Poll set up and it is very good. I really love it. I would like to help, but unfortunately, I am not understanding very well your description of the problem. Perhaps if you could provide a link where I could see it.