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Messages posted by: Carbonize
Forum Index » Profile for Carbonize » Messages posted by Carbonize
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Apologies for replying in English but I can see you speak it and I do not speak German. Anyway it's down to the character set the guestbook is being told to use.

You need to open lang/german.php and change

$LANG['metatag'] = '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">';


$LANG['metatag'] = '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">';

Should work but no guarantees.

OR, and this will work, convert the Russian in to it's HTML entities. You can read more about it here and find a form to automatically convert the Russian for you here
Never received an email nor notification of an update to this thread. Try webmaster@carbonize.co.uk
That's OK your information should prove useful next time someone asks. Auron was the king of AP but I've not seen him in years.
I've not used the poll in years but I believe it stores the posters ip address to prevent them voting again. Or does it use a cookie :-/ can't remember. It's possibly something you have to activate in settings.
I thought Google translate was doing a good job. Anyway if you have put the correct information in the config file then I cannot see what the problem is unless your host is having a problem.
Sprechen Sie mit Ihrem Gastgeber und bitten Sie sie, um die Datenbank Informationen, die Sie verwenden überprüfen ist richtig
Haben Sie irgend etwas anderes, dass die Datenbank verwendet?
Ist dieser Fehler immer passieren?

Aber ist die eigentliche Gästebuch zu arbeiten?
Welche Fehlermeldung
To be honest I wouldn't have a clue as I don't use the poll. I'm just going to download and see how the random number is generated.

I'm guessing this code is responsible

It asks the database to return all poll IDs and then makes them in to a list. If the list doesn't get created for some reason then it just returns 0 instead. Can you confirm you have existing polls?
The poll id number is automatically generated when you create a new poll. Are you using the latest version of the advanced poll? Just asking to make sure I'm looking at the correct version of the script.
OK so you are picking a poll at random. Do you have any existing polls and is it always returning the error message or just occasionally?
What code are you using on the page?
There should be a password reset script in the misc folder called forget_pass.php
Trate de descargar el libro de visitas de nuevo y reemplazar los archivos existentes para ver si se soluciona el problema. Usted puede encontrar los archivos en http://proxy2.de/scripts.php

Asegúrese de hacer una copia de los archivos actuales, especialmente el archivo config.inc.php que se encuentran en la carpeta de administración, antes de subir los archivos nuevos.
Forum Index » Profile for Carbonize » Messages posted by Carbonize
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