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Messages posted by: Carbonize
Forum Index » Profile for Carbonize » Messages posted by Carbonize
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The problem would be that UTF8 uses 2 bits per character where as the other charsets only use one.
Looks like it's trying to set the image height to a ridiculous height sometimes - Height = 57042531 and Width = 156 but it's not always failing at the same spot :-/
OK I mistyped in my debug so it was saying something was working when it wasn't. I have narrowed the problem down to the createimage function not always creating an image in createImageTTF. Try this captcha.class.php so I can see if the dimensions are always being set correctly. It also lets me try using createimagetruecolor instead of just imagecreate to see if that fixes anything.
Not sure why he removed the update_db file from the misc folder. very strange. Anyway I have lifted this from the install file.
Could you set me up with FTP access but limit me to the guestbook folder please. That way I can work on the captcha file live on your server rather than having to wait on you to upload each new version.
OK try this captcha.class.php and I will check it when I return from shopping.
OK managed to narrow it down to the createImageTTF function so something in there keeps changing. Make sure that all the font files in lib/fonts are set to be readable so chmod to either 755 or 777.
Ah was down to my bad coding. try this captcha.class.php instead.
You need to replace the captcha.class.php file in your lib folder with the new one.
And you definitely replaced image.php and captcha.class.php with the new files because debug=1 is having no effect.
Everything is ok in the image.php file so now we move on to captcha.class.php. Replace your existing two files with the two in here. They should not affect your guestbook as it requires an extra input in the url to make it debug.
Upload the two attached files to the guestbook folder then let me know.
I'll do a test script first that will use the same test functions that AG captcha uses and output what they returned.
Short of my having access to your server and working through the script step by step I couldn't say for sure. I might make a test script for you when I get a spare moment.
I was hoping that would automatically reload it.

Then simply add a link like <a href="#" onclick="refreshCaptcha(); return false;">Reload Captcha</a>
Forum Index » Profile for Carbonize » Messages posted by Carbonize
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