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This site seems to be up, then down, then up and now a new url
what's up
Hey thankyou very much for posting that information. I will be sure to update my htaccess file on my website, and block those jerks.
sure why not. Your guestbook looks good.
Mine is with the anti-spam spider mod and the yahoo and msn mod and the use of an additional field in the add entry
The templates are static unless there is specific code that has been declared throughout the scripts. If you try to place includes throughout the templates, it will not get parced. This is one of the weaknesses of this script. The same problem occurs if one wants to use Global includes. (Global includes such as header and footer are used for updateing a site template with just 2 or 3 files and spans every script and page on the domain)
This solution has a work-around by just placing the includes within the main script files, and then leaving the templates blank.
This is a good idea to have a date changer feature in the admin. The only way to change dates as of now, is to use a Unix time stamp convertor, and edit the database by hand. I did this when I changed to this guestbook, and it took me a couple of hours to do......very time consuming.
I have been thinking of working on something like this, and I don't think that it would be too difficult. Maybe when I get some time, I will try my hand at it.
1. Yes, the guestbook is completly customizable down to every single detail, depending on how deep you want to dig.
2. This is a guestbook, not a full blown Message board. Although I could probably add avatars is I wanted to. It would take a little bit of working, but I think it could be done.
3. You could convert it yourself. Be sure to use the appropriate header meta tag in your html head. For Chinese it should be
4. Make sure you are not censoring any words
5. You can use emoticons........think that must be the same thing[/code]
You should think about running a dedicated server for a site like that. (unless you already have done so.)Then you will have full control of the entire machine. You can also install any software or programs that you need.
I am kind of lucky as there are only 4 other websites on the machine that my site is running on, and the machine is owned by my neighbor
not sure, unless you are getting a lot of traffic to your site. Mine has extra coding (converts emails to raw ASCII) plus a lot of heavy graphics, and it still seems to snap open pretty quick. I do have the guestbook embedded though using php includes. I am also running another process at the same time which is a php script showing users online..........doesn't seem to affect is also well over 100 posts.
maybe your host is overloaded with too many other websites
maybe because you are getting a lot of traffic. I was at your site a 5 hours ago and you had 180 some odd posts, now you have well over 200......what language is your site?
btw it snapped open for me pretty quick
sure, just go into the admin, and then templates, and edit "form_msn.php" and remove or change the text.
Here is the code that you will find in this template
can you post a link so I can see another working copy besides my own. I have gotten no feedback from this mod to date
you can install it if you have shell access to your root. Both require this.
You can ask your webhost to install it, but most don't like to run either because of the system recourses that they use.
Also NetPBM works without having to have root access and does a far better job in my opion than Image Magick, but unfortunately the author of guestbook doesn't incorporate it.
guess you are going to have to resort to using the guestbook without thumbnails or find another host if the one you have won't install them
make sure that your server supports thumbnailing images.
thumbnailing Requires Image Magick or PHP's GD extension. that is what phpinfo is for. If it doesn't then uncheck create thumbnails
Must be something with the path, or settings on your folder.
I double checked photo upload with Yahoo and MSN mods, and uploaded photos succefully. Those mods had nothing to do with the photo upload routines
I did tell you what you needed to do. Maybe you just were not reading it.
I told you you need to wrap "escaped" html around your index.php addentry.php and comment.php
and that you need to edit the database and most of the files if you want to add other questions.
I would have to write a book if I were to post it here.
Wrapping the html is something that is simple to do. If you can write html, then you should have no problem with this one. If you can only use an editor like frontpage or something, well sorry.
example of escaped html
I will see if I can add this Mod when I have is not high on my list though, unless someone else wants to do it.
Wow that is quite a lot for a first request.
I will try and answer your questions.
First of all the templates are garbage. I stripped them clean except for key javascript elements. I then wrapped the "escaped" html along with my global template includes around index.php, addentry.php and comment.php. This works perfect, as I am a very lazy webmaster, and feel that a complete website update should only be done by editing 2 to 3 files max.
adding other questions is a little bit more tricky. I added another question and that was Graduation Year. ( I did this because it is an Alumni website)
Also I added the much needed Yahoo and MSN option fields. This requires multiple files to be edited as well as the database structure.
you can see my addentry here
Importing all of your preivous entries from your guestbook is a little time consuming because this guestbook uses the Unix timestamp for the dates.
You will have to use a Unix timestamp convertor to edit the dates to reflect the ones in your current guestbook. For a good resource on this go to this website
other things that I have done, is added the much needed anti-Spam feature. All my emails that are displayed in the guestbook get converted to Raw ASCII in the html source code, so as Spam Bots can not extract them. In Fact I have a Spam trap on all pages of my website that is dynamic. The spiders can pull millions of bogus emails from my site if they wish. It is just a hidden link at the bottom of each page that is not linked. Although I seem to get tons of traffic to it from Bots
email me if you need help