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Actually you don't have to use the header and footer.php files. You can hard code the index.php, addentry.php and comment.php files to your sites global includes.
Basically you will open up index.php file, and at the top you will put
then at the end of the code you will put
do this for the other two files, and you will be good to go.
The above system requires that your entire site runs on a template system. The advantage being that you only have to ever modify a couple of files to have it propagate the entire website. Guestbook included.
Otherwise, doing a link update might take a long time, if you have to edit many many templates.
change the admn.php file to anything you want. BE SURE to change /admin/ with the new name of the renamed admin.php file
Just follow the directions. That is correct, you only need to change the numbers
you didn't install the script right. If you view the source, nothing changes
always says verifyimage.php?k= but should say verifyimage.php?k=234234 or some other number. Recheck your work. Or maybe your server does not support the script.
Lloyd, send me an email, and I will send you everything that I have for the guestbook....
Here is a list of most of the mods out there
1) Extra question fields,
2) greater control over admin auto emails field length
3) human verification system
4) Dynamic spam trap, checks against most known spam bots and redirects to auto generated email addresses that change on each entry by bot. system emails admin for each spam bot entry to site.
5) Email addresses converted to raw ASCII on the fly in the html source. (protection against spam).
6) Wrapped guestbook into "my" template system. Meaning, that my guestbook templates are blank, and the guestbook uses my own system.
7) Yahoo and MSN mods.
8) HTTP authentication for admin.php, plus renaming of admin file.
9) Changed "post" method to avoid robot sites in addentry.php.
10) other changes, but can’t think of them right now.
Everything else that you mentioned would be an easy fix. As far as pixel and tables, that gets controlled in my templates.
The Gender field, which would be an easy thing to do, is not a bad idea. Not something that I would not use though. The extra field thing has been done, and giving control over this in the admin would not be too hard.
But then again, I don't need these it would be up to others to implement that.
As far as getting them, I have given them out in the past, but I have stopped. There are some forums out there that still have them available to users. You will have to do a search for them.
Everything that you have just mentioned has been done with mods and hacks....there are even more things that have mods made for the guestbook that you don't list....that are out there
you mean CHMOD "change mode", not CHOWN "change owner"
If the authentication user name and password do not match the guestbook admin user name and password, you will never be able to get in.
Make sure both password sets match...otherwise you are right, not even you will get in.
Every single function, upgrade, modification quesiton has been answered a couple dozen just need to search
Yes, you can run all your databases out of the same single database. You can either add them mannually or automatically. Tables will have to be unique. Very doubtfull that you will have some that are the same.
Since I have had guestbook 2.2 in the past, the admin file pretty much works the same. I don't see any reason why it would not work.
The password file, which you can name anything you want, is also placed in the root of the guestbook folder. You will just do a php include statement in the admin file so that it runs the script on startup. This will give you a .htaccess/.htpasswd file type of user prompt.
Make sure you rename the admin.php file to something only you will know. It is also important to remove the links to the administration area, because once you have updated /admin/ it will show the new file name in those links.
I have noticed that Chi Kien Uong ( has done the same to his guestbook on this site, only he has not renamed the admin.php file.
you don't have to rename the admin.php file, but it is just increased security.
the nice thing is that once you enter the password, it takes you directly into the admin area. But you have to make sure that both user name and password sets match.
Tired of being hacked?
Guide to the ultimate protection.
1) create new file and name it anything you want .php
2) insert this code (comes straight from site)
open up admin.php and on the second line directly after <?php
place this
now, make sure that the password in the authentication file matches YOUR password to the guestbook.
5) rename the admin.php to something other than admin.php
6) update /admin/ file to reflect the new name of admin.php file
7) remove any and all links in guestbook to administration area
guestbook is completly secured from everyone...except you.
That is why you always use the "log out" link, it kills the session. Then if you try to surf to it from your history, you will not be able to get in.
Tired of being hacked?
Guide to the ultimate protection.
1) create new file and name it anything you want .php
2) insert this code (comes straight from site)
open up admin.php and on the second line directly after <?php
place this
now, make sure that the password in the authentication file matches YOUR password to the guestbook.
5) rename the admin.php to something other than admin.php
6) update /admin/ file to reflect the new name of admin.php file
7) remove any and all links in guestbook to administration area
8)guestbook is completly secured from everyone...except you.