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That's funny, I get "Save Changes" "Reset" and "Go Back"
You must be using my files for my Yahoo and MSN addon Mod.
Thanks for pointing out my mistake. I had it this way because I wanted to show a live admin that no one could make changes too.
The code in panel_edit.php near the bottom should read as follows
The download package has been fixed. That was the only file that I never changed back.
thanks for pointing it out.
Your database settings are wrong in your config file. Correct them so they reflect the same information that you used when you set up your database.
That message is telling you one of the fields in the database (database name,database user, database password and database host) are inccorect and rejects you
I have included a modified install.php file now as part of the package.
for those that have no access to their database, and can only create a database. You will have to delete the current database and then re-create it. (that is your database name password etc) otherwise the script will tell you that the tables already exist.
All you should have to do now is run install.php with a clean installed guestbook. Just upload the fresh copy of guestbook, then overwright the files that you get from my download. Then run my install.php
you must run my version of the install.php for it to work.
I have added it to the package now.
for those that have no access to their database, and can only create a database. You will have to delete the current database and then re-create it. (that is your database name password etc) otherwise the script will tell you that the tables already exist.
You can still get the download from
OK I will make the install.php for this
Where is your source of information on the rumors? Where did you hear it from, because the webmaster of this site does not interact what-so-ever.
doing a search for webmaster, He has made a whopping total of 25 posts
out of 4158 and his last post was Mon Sep 30, 2002 4:35 pm.
I wonder if the guy is dead and his account is paid up for a year
No, you can just overwrite the files from the default setup. The only differance is that you will have to add the new alterations to the database.
Maybe I will see if I can add that to the default mysql setup, so you can run it with install.php. Do you not have access to myphpadmin ?
on another note, out of the seven people so far that have downloaded it. Has anyone else installed it yet?
If you want to add MSN and Yahoo for the advanced guestbook, I have made the mod and you can download it from my website here
If you want to see the default install of the guestbook with the Mod go to here
You can turn MSN and Yahoo on and off in the admin which you can log into with
test and 123
If you pay close attention, you will not be adding a table but altering it. Hence the code above.
You will have to use PHPMYADMIN or something similar. phpmyadmin is what most web server hosts use for their clients to access the database.
If you copy this code to a new text file and import it to your database, it will ALTER the tables to reflect the new changes.
when you first open phpmyadmin, there will be a browse button, where you will browse and find the new text file you just created with the code above. select it, and upload. It will automatically alter the table. I'm sorry but it does not get any easier than this.
Or you can manually add the new rows by copying the AIM setup.
you will have to manually change book_data and book_config
the other way is fool proof
Here are the tables that I included. I tested them with a default install of the sql file
also here is a default guestbook that I uploaded to test these files that are in the zip file.
and yes the admin is user name is test and password is 123
It appears that you did not add the mysql talbes that I included. You will have to add the new talbes to your database
OK, I have uploaded the advanced guestbook with Yahoo and MSN addon Mods for download. Get it while you can....I won't have it forever. If it is popular, I will upload it to geocities or something.
just upload all the files over your current guestbook. import the new database tables into your mysql database. modify the /admin/ file to reflect your current database settings.
make sure you back up your database and your current guestbook first.
OK, I have uploaded the advanced guestbook with Yahoo and MSN addon Mods for download. Get it while you can....I won't have it forever. If it is popular, I will upload it to geocities or something.
just upload all the files over your current guestbook. import the new database tables into your mysql database. modify the /admin/ file to reflect your current database settings.
make sure you back up your database and your current guestbook first.
I am going to try and put together a mod package that people can download. All you will have to do is upload the files over your guestbook, and then inport the new mysql tables.
Hopefully I will have enough time this weekend to do it. It will be posted when I make the package.