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Messages posted by: Carbonize
Forum Index » Profile for Carbonize » Messages posted by Carbonize
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I just need you to browse book_admin and send me a screenshot of it.
Do you have, and know how to use, phpMyAdmin?
So you successfully log in, see the admin area and then as soon as you click a link it kicks you back out?
It's weird. In the old days the loop was because he had renamed last_visit to LAST_VISIT. Did you change anything just before this starting happening?
I assume you are using the latest version 2.4.4?

amber222 wrote:If you have PhpMyAdmin, you can try this. Save the old database from the old server to your hard drive as a .sql file. Then use that .sql file (instead of the guestbook.sql file included in the program) to populate a newly created database on the new server.

  • 1. On the old server, go into your Admin Panel, then PhpMyAdmin,
    and Export the .sql file of your existing database to your hard drive:

    [list:8d655b9acf] On the left (blue) pane, click in the database box and Select the guestbook's database

    When it finishes loading, on the right pane, click on the "Export" tab

    When it finishes loading, (somewhere towards the bottom) you will see:

    (checkbox) Save as file File name template: (remember template )*

    You must check the box for Save as file, then click on the GO button

    Follow the prompts to save it to your hard drive or other disk. Remember where you put the file. This is a backup of your existing database. Try not to mix it up with any other .sql files from a new copy of version 2.3.1. Alternatively, you could add something in the box after _DB_ to identify it, example: Save as file File Name template: _DB_old or _DB_date. The saved copy will automatically include the host's required user prefix, if any and the database name.

  • 2. On the new server, go to PhpMyAdmin and create a new guestbook database. (Be sure to add the required info in admin/config.inc.php and set file permissions according to the instructions in the readme file)

    3. In PhpMyAdmin, populate the new database:

  • As in #1 above, select the new guestbook's database in the left pane.

    On the right window pane, click on the "SQL" tab

    Find the Sql box (somewhere near the bottom?), click inside the box, then click on "browse" and navigate to the place on your hard drive where you put the .sql file you created earlier. Once you have navigated to that file and it is shown in the box, click on ok.

    After processing the task, you should get a successful result. If successful, the guestbook tables will appear in the left (blue) pane.

    If there is a problem, you will get an error message. If you get an error message, please make note of it for future help.

  • 4. On the left (blue) pane, click on Home

    5. On the right pane, select log out

    6. Close out the PhpMyAdmin window without navigating anywhere else (for security reasons)[/list:u:8d655b9acf]

    Typing this now from memory without any visual aids, so be careful.
    Prüfen Sie zuerst, tat die Kontodaten noch richtig sind und wenn sie dann überprüfen, ob verändern noch die Erlaubnis, die erforderlich Datenbank zu lesen.


    First check tat the account details are still correct and if they are then check that account still has permission to read the required database.
    Diese Meldung bedeutet, dass einige der Informationen, die Sie in Datenbank admin / config.inc.php geliefert haben falsch ist. Prüfen Sie, wie Sie etwas falsch geschrieben zu sein.


    This message means that some of the database information you have supplied in admin/config.inc.php is incorrect. Check it as you may have mistyped something.
    Sie finden die Informationen die Sie benötigen für die forget_pass.php in admin / config.inc.php


    You will find the information you need for the forget_pass.php in admin/config.inc.php
    In add.class.php look for

    replace with

    You require it to be in the email?
    Send me your versions of the files i had in the zip file and I will modify them directly. webmaster@carbonize.co.uk
    If you've not modified your guestbook in anyway you can try this file. Just replace your existing files with these ones. I haven't tested them but they use the ICQ field so make sure to enable it in admin. It will return an error if the ICQ field has not been filled in or if ICQ is not 8 numbers . Nothing will show on the entry as I removed the ICQ option but I can easily change that.
    Spammers just Google for a phrase they know will be on the scripts they want to spam and then just add the urls to their spamming program.

    Anyway what format is the customers order going to be in? Is it just numbers?

    I'm about to hit the hay so I wont be responding until tomorrow.
    Forum Index » Profile for Carbonize » Messages posted by Carbonize
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