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Messages posted by: Anonymous
Forum Index » Profile for Anonymous » Messages posted by Anonymous
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Spam and Guestbook 1.5

I am getting a lot of spam and I want to stay with 1.5 (databases cost extra with my provider).
So this is what I did:
1. Change the name off addentry.html to somethingelse1.html and the link to it from guestbook.html.
This did not help much, so I studied my log files and found out that the computer-spammers stil used the old addentry file. SO DELETE THAT FROM YOUR SERVER.
2. I noticed also in the logfile that the first piece of the command line was opening the cgi-bin/guestbook.pl file, so I changed that name into somethingelse2.pl and corrected the links to it, also in the file itself!!
I again forgot to throw away the old file, but not for long.
3. It is quiet now. Next I will probably change the of the guestbook.html file. Because I guess they go the easy way. Try Google for guestbook or addentry .
4. Also I can password protect directories with my provider and supply the pw in the pop-up box. I don't believe the spammers will go into the extra coding needed and I can change the pw often.
greetings, www.enduro.nl
at my website I have installed free link page. (www.parsprophoto.com see site info / favourite links page). Today I wanted to use the editor to change an input, but apperently I lost the password... how can i reset the password without loosing the input on the pages?


I installed the text version of AP and it works fine. So there is a bug in the db version. Has anyone else seen this?
i looked on the demo files used but didnt work just got fatal error


/* path */
$poll_path = "my path";

/* poll comments */
$php_poll->set_date_format("d/m/Y H:i");
echo $php_poll->view_poll_comments(1);
echo $php_poll->get_comment_pages(1);

Is it possible to set up something so that the people can see the comments written?
I put <?php
include_once "/hsphere/local/home/powerhou/dannyd.net/poll/booth.php";
echo $php_poll->poll_process(x); // x = Poll ID

into my html code as said.

All that comes up is poll_process(5); ?>
I need to modify Advanced Poll 2.03 so that it returns a "Thanks for Voting" message in place of the poll. This lets the responder know they have voted.

The poll is gathering marketing information, so we don't want to display the results to the public. I can make a separate page to view the results, that seems easy enough.

But I can't figure out where to patch the response to not include the post.

Any pointers would be appreciated.

Hi folks,

I'm doing fine with AP, but I'm having problems cause my site is working with templates and AP comments sometimes just make a mess because I don't know how to limit the caracteres on "text area" where the user will type. Also I'll ask for some features that I hope you can help me to put on my AP:

* Email verifycation for votings and postings
* Set the max caracteres for text area on comments field
* Emoticons for comments
* IP and cookie time to comments too
* Badwords and https filter

Well that's all, I know it's much but if you know how to active this features or to write, please tell me.

I downloaded it myself from this site & configured & uploaded the files myself. I dropped the old database files & replaced it manually with the newer version with the data added.
I did that after failing to use the "install.php" method, probably after getting something I failed to figure out right.

It kept referring to the mysql.class.php.

Anyway, thanks for the rapid responses.
Oh, I dont know which version it was. I know it was part of the available software on the cpanel at the end of 2003.
Can I assume, the admin. area is now safe?
ok, thanks, but .... does the new version of AGB I downloaded 2 weeks ago & installed have its administrative area accessed by unknown & unauthorized people in the same way or is it now secure?
No other person has the username & password!
Let me add that after some time, the images in IE are now also showing on the uploaded website. They started after I had started posting above, but I forgot to edit the subject before posting.

After some stupid elements repeatedly puttting code in my Guestbook which defaced it & made it inaccessible, I was made to know installing the newest version of the AGB would solve the problem as it's more secure.
The original visitor entries, to which the malicious code is entered as a comment have somehow disappeared in the 3 attacks, as they are simply not there in the database, even if I have sought them carefully before deleting the code. I wonder how that happens. Do the attackers have a way of deleting some entries?
In the 3 cases, after "cleansing" the database of the defacing code, the space where the original visitors is then empty, giving the false impression they have been edited out.

Anyway, after disabling html & AGCodes, will such/similar attackts really stop, or there are additional measures one could take?

ok.. well sorry if this sounds mean or anything, but why host this script if you dont have any kind of help for it? have any of you tried this scripted and actually got it to work? I followed everything it says in this thread, and everything within the actually files I downloaded with the zip folder and still nothing...

if you got this script from another site could you please point me in that direction so I could see if I find my answers there?

thanks if you can help me this time...
I did run the upgrade script... But i still have to install the new version, sorry


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