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Messages posted by: Carbonize
Forum Index » Profile for Carbonize » Messages posted by Carbonize
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Upload the new smilies into the img directory. Then login to the guestbooks admin section and goto the smileys. Click the rescan img directory link at the bottom to show all smileys iin the directory.
that bit of code means you have to sign in to any page that contains that bit of code.
Best way to achieve this would be to edit the dro down jump menu to change it from a javascript dropdown menu to plain html links.
Do a search, this has been discussed and explained in several threads.
Look into using a .htaccess and .htpasswd file to achiveve this. It could be achieved with some PHP but not that simple.
Yup, wouldn't mind if it was a paying job lol. May not upset my other half so much then.
Hm looking at picture.php. If there is a problem it lies in there.

Ok I've had a look at for some reason your photos are being uploaded to the root of the guestbook rather than the public and tmp folders as they should be. http://www.thecurse.ro/html/modules/guestbook/img-1096667664.jpg shows this. So try changing to
Anonymous wrote:I allready did it so i added
$GB_PG["base_url"] = "http://www.thecurse.ro/html";
and not working ....... anything else ??

So you're saying that the index.php for the guestbook is located at http://www.thecurse.ro/html and not say http://www.thecurse.ro/html/guestbook ?
$GB_PG["base_url"] = ""; /* e.g htpp://www.yourdomain.com/guestbook/img */

Fill that in
templates/body.php I think or if you are using the header file it's header.php
Templates/body.php and/or templates/entry.php
No thats why I had one made. www.carbonize.co.uk/verification.zip
There is a mod to add Yahoo and MSN fields. A mod to add image verification on guestbook signing. A mod to add flags and so on. Look for a threador do a search for mods
Now you have 2.3.1 installed you can also add the yahoo/msn fields mod and my image verification.
Forum Index » Profile for Carbonize » Messages posted by Carbonize
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