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du löschst aber nicht zufällig automatisch immer deine cookies, oder?
Sup, I have installed the script correctly except I can't get it to show up on my navigation menu. The two lines the readme file doesn't work,
<!--#exec cgi="/" --> OR
<!--#include virtual="/" -->
Don't work, nothing even shows up where I put it, but if I go directly to the site, then it will work, but I want it to be with the rest of my things. -LaTeR
Thanks a lot !
Is there a way to change the looks of a poll without having to screw around with the template settings? Thanks for your help.
Ken Cooper (
Hi there,
i'm trying to install advanced poll2 and use a mysql database but i just can't get it working (it stops at the install.php screen) although the is configured. is ther more to do? chmods?
do i need both db and textfile folder? what is the difference anyway?
Sorry that i'm such a bloody ignorant but the readme.txt does really not offer much i think. It would be nice if somebody could give some STEP by STEP installation support(1,2,3....).
thanks a lot
hi, ich versuche verzweifelt advanced poll 2 zu installieren aber kommen immer nur bis zum install.php screen. Dann gehts nicht weiter obwohl ich konfiguriet habe...??
Muss die Zeile $POLLDB["host"] = "localhost"; auch geändert werden?
aber auch das bringt mich nicht weiter??
Wäre sehr dankbar wenn mir Jemand eine STEP by STEP beschreibung für die Installation (1,2,3...) geben könnte ab download!!. Verstehe auch nicht was es mit den 2 Foldern db und Texfile auf sich hat? Braucht man beide? Leider geben die Readme files nicht viel her und sind eher verwirrend finde ich. Im support Forum hier stehen leider auch mehr Fragen als Antworten. Eine FAQ wäre super!
Besten Dank für eure Hilfe!
I searched for ages for a good guestbook. This one is all that I was looking for: fast, efficient and soooo easy.
Wie kann ich bestehende Einträge eines Gästebuches in die Datenbank
des Advanced Guestbook übernehemen.
Es ist je eigentlich kein Problem, aber bekomme ich das Datum mitrein!
In der Datenbank stehet eine 10 stelliger Zahl die anscheinend das Komplette Datum mit Uhrezeit enthällt!
Gibt es eine Möglichkeit, damit ich Datum und Uhrzeit in die 10 stellige
Zahlenkombionation umwandeln kann???
I've read through the forum here on installation of the Poll. It seems the install.php and admin.php files are missing.
Has anybody found a solution to this? Has anybody been able to install the text based version of the poll? If so, how? Thanks
There is NO install.php!!!!
I also am missing he files mentioned above! Any solution to this yet??
Is there any way to control the size of the width of the results from the poll? On my page i have a fixed background with a blue colum down the left side, and I want the poll to match that colum, but when the results are shown, it goes over.
The following error when attempting to run admin/index.php
which I assume is supposed to be the admin file since there is absolutely no "admin.php" file in the root or otherwise (I'm trying to use the flat-file version)
Fatal error: Cannot instantiate non-existent class: poll_template in /usr/www/htdocs/storage-ip2/jl/poll/admin/ on line 46
If I reply a post I get this error
Warning: Cannot add header information - headers already sent by (output started at ...
But the reply is posted.
How can I solve this??