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Adv. Poll: voting multiple times 4 markvm 10810 24/01/2007 00:24:55
markvm [Latest Reply]
Top Downloads Script Set Up 5 cheeseus 11837 21/01/2007 21:18:27
duralict [Latest Reply]
Trouble logging into forum 2 james_plato 6998 21/01/2007 18:40:55
james_plato [Latest Reply]
voting once on advanced poll 1 lubber123 7215 21/01/2007 09:58:00
james_plato [Latest Reply]
advanced poll spammers 1 chadwithuhc 5326 18/01/2007 21:37:28
chadwithuhc [Latest Reply]
Modify the dropdown menu... 13 kareem 25453 12/01/2007 17:03:28
SnowDemonKennel [Latest Reply]
Results Too Wide 1 fsw 5836 09/01/2007 19:01:39
fsw [Latest Reply]
Using Advanced Poll against multiple wwwsites 0 rmtworks 5530 09/01/2007 06:52:59
rmtworks [Latest Reply]
The Stat program 0 shawnmichaels 6194 07/01/2007 23:30:22
shawnmichaels [Latest Reply]
¿Alguien habla español? 0 bipsa 6627 05/01/2007 15:43:24
bipsa [Latest Reply]
Daily Counter 1.1 and forum"phpbb" 6 karlito 11185 02/01/2007 02:56:15
karlito [Latest Reply]
Multiple Answers in Advanced Poll 0 Wysard 5623 28/12/2006 23:53:13
Wysard [Latest Reply]
HOW TO HIDDE RESULTS ON ADVANCED POLL 0 rocho 6680 27/12/2006 21:24:29
rocho [Latest Reply]
Installing Advanced Poll - textfile version 1 bustergut 6055 24/12/2006 15:13:43
bustergut [Latest Reply]
Show the newest and the non-expired poll 2 Guest 9171 18/12/2006 15:16:06
frommarcq [Latest Reply]
Advanced Poll v2.02 -- Installation / Instructions...
[ Go to page: 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
47 Auron 169202 15/12/2006 20:18:52
Altshift [Latest Reply]
Advanced Poll: reloading pagee problem 1 Guest 10432 15/12/2006 19:40:42
Altshift [Latest Reply]
admin login loop in advanced poll php version 2 Guest 5976 14/12/2006 19:37:12
kingofcomedy [Latest Reply]
Guestbook Question 1 shawnmichaels 7055 14/12/2006 08:20:57
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
Advanced guestbook 2.4.2 as php-nuke module problem 4 adminlhr 10075 13/12/2006 01:55:46
adminlhr [Latest Reply]
HELP: Anyone know how to customize Poll? 0 Houndawg 4976 05/12/2006 03:13:47
Houndawg [Latest Reply]
AP and subdomains and comments 0 JCSullivan 5978 01/12/2006 18:34:15
JCSullivan [Latest Reply]
Advanced Poll 2.0.7 released 3 Webmaster 12073 01/12/2006 18:26:02
JCSullivan [Latest Reply]
mod_security caused my guestbook 'Forbidden 403 error' 3 ttk_2k 11191 30/11/2006 21:15:46
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
Giving my Polls Away 0 Enlightning 4907 30/11/2006 19:23:03
Enlightning [Latest Reply]
agbook import problem... 2 loz37 5788 28/11/2006 16:16:26
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
Advanced Poll hacked! 0 Johncr 6201 25/11/2006 17:33:58
Johncr [Latest Reply]
Suppressing IP's and browser details 0 10-ekips 5165 23/11/2006 03:32:54
10-ekips [Latest Reply]
Incorporte Daily Counter to Wordpress 0 akira 6183 22/11/2006 08:18:33
akira [Latest Reply]
Advanced Poll in a BLOG 0 blogmaster 5368 20/11/2006 22:29:07
blogmaster [Latest Reply]
Advanced Poll Hack 6 larryParry 7991 19/11/2006 22:49:57
larryParry [Latest Reply]
AP Problem please help 0 Alec 5031 18/11/2006 17:15:24
Alec [Latest Reply]
How to make a poll follow a template 7 miztiiik 14578 18/11/2006 14:30:00
cheeseus [Latest Reply]
how to make question bold in advanced poll? 4 petergriffin 6955 16/11/2006 14:45:50
petergriffin [Latest Reply]
Advanced Poll 2.0.7 can not install 0 voodoo3 4860 10/11/2006 08:35:13
voodoo3 [Latest Reply]
poll results not showing at all after I vote 5 vesper8 11943 06/11/2006 05:40:38
retokmeier [Latest Reply]
HELP! connection error 0 lawrence 4929 04/11/2006 12:23:04
lawrence [Latest Reply]
advanced poll comments problem 0 Bootes 4535 02/11/2006 16:54:17
Bootes [Latest Reply]
AP FEature Request: Capability to Edit Comments, Censor 0 edfel 5435 02/11/2006 15:15:46
edfel [Latest Reply]
Adv GB 2.2 Little bit of help 1 liltritter 4883 02/11/2006 08:27:05
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
Valid XHTML Advanced Poll 3 pedro84 6299 01/11/2006 08:34:02
pedro84 [Latest Reply]
please help with polls and lists 0 halloween 4310 31/10/2006 14:24:56
halloween [Latest Reply]
Afvanced Poll w/users? 0 cjeanson 4724 28/10/2006 05:23:39
cjeanson [Latest Reply]
Combining Poll Types, It is possible? 0 edfel 5599 27/10/2006 05:51:00
edfel [Latest Reply]
How to restart a poll?? 0 juniorista89 4835 27/10/2006 03:20:06
juniorista89 [Latest Reply]
advanced poll image and display troubles. 1 adamdavid 6941 26/10/2006 19:40:11
Auron [Latest Reply]
Putting code into site. 5 Guest 9190 26/10/2006 11:36:46
bugojanac [Latest Reply]
advanced poll - i give up 0 canttakethisanymore 4825 25/10/2006 21:58:51
gambler [Latest Reply]
IIS 5 and Advanced Poll 0 gambler 3928 25/10/2006 20:47:52
gambler [Latest Reply]
What do I need to know before Upgrading from 2.0.2 to 2.0.5? 0 toast 6736 22/10/2006 05:20:50
toast [Latest Reply]
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