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Advanced Poll - Poll Bar Colours 0 wilorichie 4455 20/10/2006 05:33:09
wilorichie [Latest Reply]
Advanced Poll v2.02 add to html troubles 0 ollexus 4821 17/10/2006 21:46:15
ollexus [Latest Reply]
how to integrate with coppermine 0 TRISKO 4749 15/10/2006 19:51:24
TRISKO [Latest Reply]
How do I use advanced poll? 0 mrsyardbroom 4895 13/10/2006 19:55:55
mrsyardbroom [Latest Reply]
problem... 0 gboyer316 4690 13/10/2006 02:16:55
gboyer316 [Latest Reply]
no smilies no images want let me post 0 raggatwins 5852 13/10/2006 02:14:35
raggatwins [Latest Reply]
Polls don't exist? 12 Guest 34513 10/10/2006 15:41:03
Auron [Latest Reply]
Advanced Poll- poll options disappeared 7 karlfranz 17325 09/10/2006 22:48:49
eugenio [Latest Reply]
Advanced Guestbook moving issues 8 waynepyrah 13044 06/10/2006 10:15:35
waynepyrah [Latest Reply]
Advanced Poll 0 wilorichie 4737 06/10/2006 02:28:20
wilorichie [Latest Reply]
Adv. Poll - How do you display most recent poll in a list? 0 toast 6187 04/10/2006 18:29:28
toast [Latest Reply]
Someone Hacked my user/pass code 3 lugarthedog 9175 02/10/2006 04:54:25
lugarthedog [Latest Reply]
Listing pools 2 tanzaweb 15666 30/09/2006 22:20:41
toast [Latest Reply]
Poll was working but now gives errors 0 fc 6467 25/09/2006 04:53:45
fc [Latest Reply]
Guestbook errors 2 rayal 5782 25/09/2006 00:10:07
rayal [Latest Reply]
No IP checking but cookie (Help!) 2 ezekyel 7206 24/09/2006 20:27:58
Auron [Latest Reply]
remove the poll heding "advanced poll" 3 chetan 6853 22/09/2006 14:08:13
Auron [Latest Reply]
Security Issues 2 edfel 6201 19/09/2006 11:23:53
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
anti ban list??? (ban all others) 3 @ngler 5651 19/09/2006 08:43:21
@ngler [Latest Reply]
When will be AP compatible with PHP 5.X? 0 edfel 4669 17/09/2006 06:06:10
edfel [Latest Reply]
SPAM FIX FOR ADV POLL DEMO4?? 0 edfel 4553 16/09/2006 19:41:35
edfel [Latest Reply]
Advanced Poll ¡You have already voted! 0 subcomandant 6337 15/09/2006 01:24:29
subcomandant [Latest Reply]
Advanced Poll on a PHP page - with an HTML parse section 0 pollphpguy1000 3825 09/09/2006 07:05:01
pollphpguy1000 [Latest Reply]
PNG counter problem 1 Madagain 3838 07/09/2006 01:49:04
Madagain [Latest Reply]
Picture upload doesn't work with preview 0 babalu 3603 05/09/2006 16:56:39
babalu [Latest Reply]
RSVP Page 0 joyzlio 3752 04/09/2006 16:02:27
joyzlio [Latest Reply]
Advanced poll 2.02, I have a question or suggestion :) 3 Problem Child 7665 01/09/2006 03:22:01
xeroblade [Latest Reply]
[AP] Multiple polls exact same quesiton and options? 7 BassKozz 10418 31/08/2006 23:36:20
BassKozz [Latest Reply]
Admin Looping - cannot fix and have read posts 1 fcunha 4277 29/08/2006 02:21:25
fcunha [Latest Reply]
Not getting answers to questions... 5 dmag 8544 27/08/2006 07:42:28
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
Poll Width 0 Reynard 3684 24/08/2006 09:16:43
Reynard [Latest Reply]
Getting a warning and Adv Poll allowing multiple votes from 0 dmag 4114 23/08/2006 23:20:06
dmag [Latest Reply]
How to remove date from poll???? 1 dmag 5300 23/08/2006 23:03:40
Auron [Latest Reply]
Help me!!! 2 Alaghom 5058 22/08/2006 21:17:21
Alaghom [Latest Reply]
Free Link Page - Idea 0 mr_wayra 3722 22/08/2006 01:27:20
mr_wayra [Latest Reply]
Multiple polls on the same page 3 shawnmichaels 8439 14/08/2006 15:05:20
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
advanced poll - need round corners plz 0 pedro_tirolo 5333 11/08/2006 10:57:44
pedro_tirolo [Latest Reply]
Help! How to display results in 2 columns? 1 const 4338 10/08/2006 15:25:34
const [Latest Reply]
acounter 0 waynehart9 3660 08/08/2006 21:13:44
waynehart9 [Latest Reply]
Adv Poll and my CSS code - Newbie Q! 1 DaShard 5463 07/08/2006 03:45:28
DaShard [Latest Reply]
Adv Poll: How to combine Template elements? 0 DaShard 4524 06/08/2006 22:42:33
DaShard [Latest Reply]
Help Me Plz ( Turkish Needs Help ) 3 eyyup116 5522 06/08/2006 19:46:59
eyyup116 [Latest Reply]
How to Pay for Adv. Poll 2 frogpond 4718 05/08/2006 10:55:07
frogpond [Latest Reply]
topdl Can someone help me? 0 pharmacologia 3641 04/08/2006 18:02:56
pharmacologia [Latest Reply]
Display Adv Poll (v2.03) Comments? 2 eschamp 5570 03/08/2006 23:56:51
frogpond [Latest Reply]
topdl invalid daylog.txt 0 pharmacologia 3872 03/08/2006 19:54:39
pharmacologia [Latest Reply]
Errors, Errors, help! 0 katie_lostsoul 3615 27/07/2006 15:35:29
katie_lostsoul [Latest Reply]
Adv. Poll with not go past Step 1 of install 1 dmacman 4402 27/07/2006 14:31:04
dmacman [Latest Reply]
Poll Pie chart 4 visitor 7784 25/07/2006 22:29:11
visitor [Latest Reply]
The help is necessary --> adv.pool comment flood 12 Vetal 19709 25/07/2006 19:22:36
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
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