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Messages posted by: Carbonize
Forum Index » Profile for Carbonize » Messages posted by Carbonize
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OK lets try the simple thing first by resetting the username and password. Add this to the end of your Poll URL - /misc/get_admin.php and follow the instructions.
Ha I just installed it via Fantastico and it was totally messed up. The password it put in th econfig file was not the same as the password it had used when creating the account. I had to go in and recreate the database user myself. I then updated to latest files and had to use install.php again as none of the database tables existed.

Other than that it is working fine here. You didn't install using Fantastico did you?
Sorry forgot. Have left myself a note for tomorrow.
OK if I remember I'll install a copy tomorrow and see if I can't see what's what.
Your username is just letters and/or numbers yes?
OK put your password in to an MD5 hash generaotr and see if the password in the database matches the MD5 hash. You could use a site like http://www.miraclesalad.com/webtools/md5.php or http://www.md5hashgenerator.com/
The table you need to look at is poll_user and check what username is set to.
Check the admin table and see if the username is set to what you are expecting it to be.
Are you able to check the database with something like phpMyAdmin ?
Sure you are not confusing the polls username and password with the database one?
You will always find the latest version here. There was a problem where at one point the installer for Advanced Poll was saying 3 when it is actually 2.0.9. This was rectified.

As to the update did you put in the exact same credentials as you had been using previously? Might also be worth checking all files uploaded correctly.
Try updating to 2.4.4. just download it, extract the contents, delete config.inc.php from it's administration folder. Now backup your existing files and then replace the files on the server with the new files.
what version?
Yeah since switching to CVS he's had a nasty habit of rewriting things but not updating the version number.
Forum Index » Profile for Carbonize » Messages posted by Carbonize
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