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Messages posted by: ET
Forum Index » Profile for ET » Messages posted by ET
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Some webhost companies turn off the ability to chmod 777 or 755 outside of the cgi-bin.... Check the files to make certain that they truly are chmod to the correct settings, if you are not able to get them to chmod correctly, then you should contact your webhost to find out if they have a security setting workaround.
THere are other posts on here about dealing with spam on the guestbook - run a search for those and the solutions offered.
Connection error is probably to the MySQL files and not the admin.php file
In the file add.class.php

you find this

Note the part that has nobody@$host
I would assume that you could rename this to a specific email address of your choosing. I haven't tested this out or anything - just seems like the most logical solution - you could modify and test to see.
domienb wrote:
Is there a way to select for example 10 posts and delete them with 1 click?
Or delete a whole page with posts?

Not that I am aware of.

If you have access to your MySQL tables, you could delete them from in there a little easier, maybe. Not sure of any other option that would be easier than that.
http://proxy2.de/forum/viewtopic.php?t=4108 or try using the search engine to try to find what you need.

If that doesn't help, post again.
Carbonize wrote: My decision is this, after I release Advanced Guestbook 2.4 I will not be working on the Advanced Guestbook anymore in any way shape nor form except to fix any possible bugs I put in 2.4. This means I will not be writing any more modifications nor patching exploits unless I made the exploit possible.

Sounds logical to me. I know that your attention to the guestbook on this forum has been appreciated by the masses - but when the demand turns into a full-time job, that's a bit much!

Obviously, the webmaster has other projects and sees little reason to jump in when there are so many very nice people like yourself who are willing to volunteer.

Be well
That would be a good idea
Ooops - that was me above with the javascript and AG Code table.

Hoping that helps

- run a search on the forum -

maybe use the keywords Poll templates and select all terms

the people on the forum are volunteering their time

Be well
Hi HB,


- run a search on the forum -

maybe use the keywords Advanced Guestbook background and select all terms

the people on the forum are volunteering their time

Be well
Carbonized writes
I'd say adding my [pre][/pre] mod is the easiest method. It will just act the same as quote and code in this forum.

You may be right -
but options can't hurt since Frankdon seemed liked he was still wanting something more than the [pre] code....

Good job on the code
Frankdon - I posted an "image" into your guestbook giving the illusion of an indent - you can save the .gif and use the smilie function to call it indent or tab or whatever you want ot call it so that all a person needs to do is click on the word you choose to call it (like the smilies that you have) and it will get inserted as invisible space.

That's the least labor intensive work-around I can think of.... or be patient and wait for Carbonize to find the time for rewriting the script.

Be well

- run a search on the forum -

maybe use the keywords Advanced Guestbook install and select all terms

the people on the forum are volunteering their time

Be well

I've read through this thread and I'm confused... Are you trying to get New Line Breaks or are you trying to get a series of Non-breaking Spaces as a type of indentation???

If you are attempting to make a series non-breaking spaces (like an indentation) you could make a 10x10 or 16x16 transparent .gif to use and create a icon like code that pulls it in when used..... Just a thought.

If you are trying to get New Line Breaks, I'm not sure about that - my guestbook does that for me.... So I've never had a need to look into the code for that.
Forum Index » Profile for ET » Messages posted by ET
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