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Messages posted by: Carbonize
Forum Index » Profile for Carbonize » Messages posted by Carbonize
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You can use HTML in both question and answers as far as I am aware. You can also specify as many answers as you want.
Auron's the poll expert.
Try the beta one - http://carbonize.co.uk/Lazarus/Forum/index.php?topic=8.0
I do not use the advanced poll but is there somewhere you can specify a base url? Maybe in the config file.
This already exists in Lazarus, my fork of AG, but you would have to rewrite the bad word censoring in AG to make it block the post rather than just changing the banned words in to some characters. Not that hard to do if you don't already use the word censoring.
As you just said the email address varies so unfortunately no. By the email address changes slightly do you mean it's basically the same but with extra dots in the first part?
This poll does not support multiple voting so you would be best looking on Hotscripts.com
Emailed it to you.
OK just emailed the maker of AG to see if he still has it.
Back up your existing files. Download latest version. Extract files. delete the config.inc.php from the files you just extracted. Replace old files on the server with the new ones. Visit whatever script it is in the misc folder that has something like upgrade in the name.
You would have to speak to someone who knows VBulletin.
There isn't one but I believe it was mainly bug fixes.
Edit body.tpl and add a rel="nofollow" to the link to add entry so that Google etc will not add it to the database.
if memory serves you would simply need to change the name of addentry.php and then edit config.inc.php to reflect the change.
I don't use the poll but I would guess you just put the code for the poll exactly where you want the poll to appear. The code in question being

echo $php_poll->poll_process(1);
Forum Index » Profile for Carbonize » Messages posted by Carbonize
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