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Messages posted by: Carbonize
Forum Index » Profile for Carbonize » Messages posted by Carbonize
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I've contacted the maker of the script as it doesn't work on this site neither.
What's the URL
Severynin322 wrote:It,s problem!

I should be able to modify my AG reset script to work with the poll. And I must apologise because whilst this website still shows Advanced Poll as being version 2.0.9 the installer sets the version to 3.0. I have emailed the writer to ask which it is.



Database or flat file version?
There is no Advanced Poll 3.
I suspect that your database location in config.inc.php is something like db.hostname.com and so you are still connecting to the old hosts database.
To my knowledge it works the same as the guestbook. Back everything up then just replace all the files except the config one.
Advanced Poll 3? Where did you get that from? Current version is 2.0.9.
If you are using the database version you can export using phpMyAdmin.
Because there is nothing for them to login with. The poll is just a poll and does not have a user base.
Ich sehe nichts auf der Hand.

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Wie lautet die Adresse des Gästebuches?
Forum Index » Profile for Carbonize » Messages posted by Carbonize
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