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Messages posted by: Carbonize
Forum Index » Profile for Carbonize » Messages posted by Carbonize
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Edit header.php found in templates folder.
Hmm no the MySQL server is on the same machine as your site. Definitely a new error message to me.

OK Just tested and you can post but then you get the error message. I'm wondering if it's something to do with the email sending. Do you have notifications enabled?

Email me your addentry.php file from the lib folder to webmaster@carbonize.co.uk
If it's suddenly started happening and you have changed nothing then the fault is at their end and it's up to them to fix it. Is the database server on the same machine as your website? Just check the config.inc.php file in the admin folder for the database location.
Cached files?
Back up all files and the database first though and you will need my 2.2 to 2.3 script from http://www.carbonize.co.uk/AG/ and after that you will need to also run the db_update script found in the misc folder of 2.4.
Just to explain. How the last_visit is used changed as of AG 2.3 so I am not sure how 2.2 worked in this respect. I am going to use the information you have provided to work it out and to try and fix the problem.
Log in to phpMyAdmin and tell me the contents of last_visit.
Do it again but change it to

die("Date = $date");
Quite possibly but there was something that needed changing in the book_auth table manually to go from 2.2 to 2.4.

As to the editing I simply need you to change


It should then stop and display the contents of $date_strg
Are you comfortable doing some minor editing to a PHP file?
Ah the version with the exploit. If you have phpMyAdmin and know how to use it can you check if last_visit in book_auth is in upper or lower case.
What version of the guestbook is it?
Might be all the HTML you have before the <html> tag in header.php template file.
The former is possible, the latter leaves your site open to being abused by spammers.
The guestbook uses PHPs mail() function to send emails. If the emails are not being sent then possibly your host has not set up the email function in PHP.
Forum Index » Profile for Carbonize » Messages posted by Carbonize
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