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Messages posted by: Carbonize
Forum Index » Profile for Carbonize » Messages posted by Carbonize
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I think I purchased one from a shop and the rest from Amazon (one was purchased for me from my wishlist by one of my users). I have PHP for the World Wide Web by Larry Ullman which was my first book. The version I have linked to is the one I have from 2004 although there is a newer version but it is much more expensive. The one that was purchased for me was The PHP Cookbook which is full of good coding advice such as using single quotes for strings instead of double quotes.

When you are ready to move to MySQL I have PHP & MySQL for Dummies which has been very useful at times.
PHP is not that complicated. You can easily learn from sites such as W3Schools although I bought some real books as I prefer to be able to have the book in front of me as I work.
I think I lifted the username and pass from the phpMyAdmin scripts config file.
Xampp comes with phpMyAdmin so if you're more comfortable creating the tables that way I say go for it.
I don't know how much help I can actually be as I use XAMPP for my local server.
Well for a start you should of just used phpMyAdmins imp;ort/export functionality. Anyway just edit the config.inc.php file so that it points to the database containing the old entries and not the new ones. Then you need to open the update file you will find in the misc folder of your guestbook.
I've only ever used the poll briefly. Auron was the expert with it. I'm pretty sure he did write a tutorial for it once but it was on his own site. I should possibly dig it up and copy it to these forums.
Make a new webpage but save it with the .php extension and not the .html one.

Put the poll_cookie.php bit of code as the very first thing in the file.

Put the rest of the code where you want the poll to appear.
Unless I am mistaken your templates are stored in the database.
Might have to reset the admin password - http://proxy2.de/forum/viewtopic/7505/2022-admin-password.html
You did change the extension of the page you embedded it in to .php ?
The webserver will first look for index.html or index.htm and if it doesn't find one it will look for index.php.

@drkneb - You need to change the files extension from .html to .php so that it will get sent to the PHP processor.
Change the include code in your index.php file so it uses the full path of the file to be included.
Did you set the path in the config file?
Yeah i did fix it after last time and forgot to upload it. Fixed version is now uploaded and available from my forum although if you are running AG 2.4.x you should have a reset script with it in the misc folder.
Forum Index » Profile for Carbonize » Messages posted by Carbonize
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