I voted for IP since I don't think you need to go any further.
If you ban an IP they're banned right?
Well admittedly if their ISP is like AOL (bleh) then they'll be unbanned
at some point. But even if you ban a resolved IP won't that be the same
or is there a difference?
got the poll path configured correctly?
all files uploaded into the right places?
include statements all correct? (booth.php/poll_cookie.php)
what's the code your using for those pages?
RiSkE wrote:Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /data/www/agn_38896/coa.ausut.com/html/index.html:20) in /data/www/agn_38896/coa.ausut.com/html/poll/poll_cookie.php on line 21
search on this forum. using-- warning: cannot add headers.
then you'll find the solution to the problem.
is the page you've included the poll have a .html/.htm extension?
if so it should be .php
edit; to get rid of the error search this forum for i just said and that'll get rid of the error!!!