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Messages posted by: Carbonize
Forum Index » Profile for Carbonize » Messages posted by Carbonize
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Doesn't it already offer a captcha option on posts or is that only for guests ?
Beats doing the work I am supposed to be doing.
There are always ways but which message board script ?
Does it do it everytime ?
If your new host use cpanel then you can probably have it install the guestbook for you. Look for Fantastico.
You would need to have exported the old database using something like phpMyAdmin and then import it to the new database server using the same method.
All the entries are stored in the database on your old server though.
I can't remember if the comments are something you have to enable when you create the poll or if it's just something you add to the include code. Have a look at the code used to display the poll that has comments.
You use the right code?
Have you only just installed the guestbook ?
If it's the same message then there must still be something there.

Feel free to email me a copy to look at - webmaster@carbonize.co.uk
White space either before the opening <?php or after the closing ?> in your config.inc.php file. Given it says started at line 32 I assume it is after the closing ?>
1 - Does the url look any different apart from the stap_3 part?

2 - Check that the file /misc/tb_mysql.php is readable. If you know how check it's permissions are at least 755.
Hmm I don't think so some how. Only the people that can log in to the dashboard can see the dashboard. Only the people that can edit the video would see the edit this button.
I have just downloaded the script so can test. Tell me exactly what you press each time so I can walk through the install file and try to find the url in question.

When you say step 3 do you mean the url it is failing on says action=step_3 ?
Forum Index » Profile for Carbonize » Messages posted by Carbonize
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