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Messages posted by: Carbonize
Forum Index » Profile for Carbonize » Messages posted by Carbonize
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Try http://yourdomain/guestbook/misc/forget_pass.php
mbodifee I would need to know the exact error you are getting.
By default only files ending in .php, .php4 and sometimes .php5 are sent to the PHP processor. You can also have other file types sent there by adding a line or two to the htaccess file.

Been a while since I checked but I strongly suspect that none of the scripts on this site would require globals to be enabled. Even if globals were disabled but required it should return a PHP error message saying a variable does not exist.
That has nothing at all to do with using PHP in a HTML file. And on top of it having nothing to do with the topic at hand register_globals is disabled by default for a very good reason and only poorly written scripts would require it to be enabled.
I just looked and the actual line you want is in include/class_poll.php

$today = time()-$this->pollvars['lock_timeout']*3600;

Which translates as the number of hours you set it to multiplied by 3600 to get the number of seconds in that period. If you want to drop it to minutes just change the 3600 to 60.

That is assuming you are using the database version.

If using textfile version just open same file and replace both instances of 3600 with 60.
Should be possible with a little editing of the PHP.
Do you mean for voting or for posting comments?
Did you want to have a clue to the password visible on the form?
Sorry not had chance yet. Between computer work, housework and ranting about the price of ebooks I've not had chance to do a lot.
All the eval(gzinflate(base64_decode('stuff'))); code actually contains more eval(gzinflate(base64_decode('stuff')));

You can read it by changing the eval to echo but basically it would come down to


But loads of times hence my comment about making the script faster by decoding it.
It will still be heavily encoded in the file you have. I had to run it through the decoding process about 10 times to get to the actual code. Talk about a stupid way of doing things.
Carbonize wrote:generally speeding it up by removing all the eval crap he had in there to hide the code used to check the copyright
BTW the official site for it is http://www.phpjunkyard.com/php-message-board.php
I can easily put in a password that people are required to enter. I'll do it tomorrow. I've just been going through it tightening up security a little, fixing HTML tags and generally speeding it up by removing all the eval crap he had in there to hide the code used to check the copyright was in place and the spam checking function.
Forum Index » Profile for Carbonize » Messages posted by Carbonize
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