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Messages posted by: Carbonize
Forum Index » Profile for Carbonize » Messages posted by Carbonize
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You will find them in the templates folder of the textfile folder in the poll folder. Just download the whole thing again if you don't have the files to hand.
Not 100% but I guess you just put in a unqiue name so that the database can keep track of it. Will have a look later if I remember.
I have to shoot to work now so can't go in to details but will tomorrow if you're still struggling.

Have a look at the code used in demo.php but from what I can see you just use the following HTML

<img src="counter_dir/counter.php?page=the_page&digit=the_digit_set" border="0" alt="counter">

where counter_dir is the folder you put the counter script in.

the_page --> the name of the page you want to track

the_digit_set --> the digit set from the digits directory
That file is irrelevant so was probably removed. Did you chmod the files as explained in the tutorial?

Hmm notice there is no count.txt file. Renaming demo.txt to count.txt should fix that then chmod that file to 666. If that doesn't work try chmod it to 777.
And you read and followed the instructions exactly?

No need for a newer tutorial as the script hasn't been updated in a while.
Without downloading the AG files and looking through them I cannot be precise but you could possibly edit templates/body.php and put a fake entry in there before it starts displaying the real entries.

Lazarus has an Ad Block feature that lets you put your HTML in and specify where you would like it to appear.
Well for a start try this instead

function checkForm() {
if(document.book.gb_email.value == "") {
alert("You must provide your email address!");
return false;

Try that and see if that works then hit me back to start on the add.class.php

Either that or try Lazarus.
I assume you want to do a complete job? If so we will need to edit both the form.php javascript and the entry checking in add.class.php.
If memory serves you would have to edit add.class.php.
Only by editing the form.php template.
You cannot change this. You are seeing Durchsuchen because your web browser or Operating system is in a Language other than English. If I was to visit your guestbook I would see Browse.
The only way to do that would be to edit the header.php and footer.php files in the templates folder of th eguestbook.
No but you can ask any questions you have here.
Message me the link to your gustbook so I can look at the captcha.
Forum Index » Profile for Carbonize » Messages posted by Carbonize
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