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Messages posted by: Anonymous
Forum Index » Profile for Anonymous » Messages posted by Anonymous
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I moved one large Advanced Guestbook to a new server.
The MySQL was 4.0 and now is 4.1.

After this change, I can normally acess the admin area (blue page with options above)

Private Messages | Easy Admin | General Settings | Style | Templates | Smilies | Password | Logout

The problem is if I try to enter in any options to administrate the guestbook, I am redirected to the admin login page.

Can anyone help?

Server RHE3
WHM 10.0.0 cPanel 10.0.0-R149
mysql (4.1.10-standard)

Thanks for any help
i had same problem
1. open from your computer template folder which you whant to edit and choose result_head.html file (use dreamweaver or frontpage)
2. go to disign you will see table press on table right mice button and choose cell properties then tin horizontal aligment chose right or left and press ok
3. go to code select all code and copy it.
4. go to poll admin panel choose templates and choose template which you edited in frontpage then paste code in riht place and press save.

sorry for my bad english but i hope you understand. good luck
thanks for your reply.

i already checked this - all the pics exist in the direction, which is specified in the source. and all of them are chmod-ed up to 777. any other suggestion?
If there are so many fixes available, why haven't they been implemented in the official release? Is Advanced Guestbook a dead project now?

Anyone care to make a .zip/.tar available of all the files, fixed, so we can easily upgrade our installations without having to make so many edits?
I would also like to know how to align the poll choices to the left. Apparently, in Internet Explorer they are centered, but in Mozilla they are aligned to the left. And I'm using the default templates that came with the script.
after successfull installation of advanced poll, in the admin area are only some, but not every of the icons shown. i chmod-ed them and the folders up to 777, bur nothing changed. always looks like this screenschot:


sorry, couldnĀ“t find an answer here. any suggestion?

thx, h.
Settings are correct in the config inc file. Even went as far as (by this time) triple checking before I posted this. Thanks for the idea though, lets me know someone is reading.
Install and setup went fine. Admin is fine. When I try to insert the poll into a page (following EXACTLY the instructions to do so) I get the following error:

Warning: mysql_connect(): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (2) in /home/content/html/advancedpoll/db/include/class_mysql.php on line 32
Connection Error

MySQL Error : Connection Error
Error Number: 0
Date : Fri, March 18, 2005 15:03:19
Browser : Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.7.6) Gecko/20050225 Firefox/1.0.1
Referer :
PHP Version : 4.3.10
OS : Linux
Server : Apache/1.3.31 (Unix) mod_tsunami/2.0 FrontPage/

The SQL server isn't down, as everything thing else that runs off that server is running fine. Any thoughts/ideas?
Thanks for the info.

I did a test.

Logging lists IP addresses and browser and platform stats with the polls,
logging off only lists the votes, and no information about the voter.

IP check is, as I understood it, only an extra safeguard against multiple posts by the same poster (as cookies can be deleted).
Yeah, I fixed the view results link.

There was another javascript that was giving problems...

Still that leaves carrying the "You have already voted" status between different pages with the same poll.

Also, is there a way to "view results" of all polls at the same time?
oh my gosh!!!

thank you so much.

you must get tired of us silly / stupid developers

I'm actually starting to understand some of the php stuff.... scary
hey, i have it set to log the ip address, but i cannot ever find it?
i keep gettin spam from other countries and want to block them out.
I searched for these elements, but though I get a lot of results, there doesn't seem to be an answer to my particular question

So I have multiple polls on one page, and I have the same poll on different pages.

Concerning the multiple polls on one page, do I put

include_once "/hsphere/local/ho.../polls/booth.php";

above each poll, or do I have to put it only above the first poll on the page?

Concerning the same poll on different pages,
how do I set the cookies in such a way that if someone votes on one page, the poll will automatically show the results when the same poll is shown on a different page?

Thanks for you help
Hi, I was just wondering what "logging" does in the Advanced Poll.

If you turn it off does that mean that only the IP addresses and browsers aren't logged, or are the votes not logged either?
You could edit the template. If you're using CSS you can call the class in the template to change font sizes. (Remove the <font...> </font> tags when you do so.)
Forum Index » Profile for Anonymous » Messages posted by Anonymous
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