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Messages posted by: Carbonize
Forum Index » Profile for Carbonize » Messages posted by Carbonize
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Did you email me the code as I never received it?
Yeah send me the code and/or a link so I can see it in action
Email me more information about what is wrong at webmaster@carbonize.co.uk
What exactly is it you need doing?
This is not possible in AG but can be done in Lazarus using.
needs to be polls.php not polls.htm
1 - copy them from your AG files if not sure about seeing up a database
3 - self explanatory. Be like http://Google.com/lazarusgb/install.php but replace Google.com with your domain
4 - need either file manager or FTP client to do that
5 - becomes obvious once you sort out number 2
In the read me. First make a backup of your current files. If you are updating from AG just replace all files except the config.inc.php. Next copy the database info from your config.inc.php into the Lazarus one and then replace the old one on the server. Now visit install.php in your web browser and run the smart update.
Ag does not allow the moderating of entries. Lazarus does. Check my signature for the link.
Yes the AG captcha is stupid and I suspect flawed but as to that one it is saying that $m is 14. It then says if $m is higher than 48 the answer is iae but if $m is less than 48 then the answer is xppcr
Try Lazarus

Ich glaube nicht, dass es möglich wäre, kurz zurück zu einer alten Version. Sie müssen sich an den Hersteller zu sprechen. Wenn er hier nicht antwortet, seine E-Mail ist auf der linken Seite.
I've never used AP and Auron was the expert but if memory serves put the cookie and booth includes at the very start of the file before anything else and then the rest where you want it to appear in the page.
You mean like this http://proxy2.de/poll/demo_2.php ?

Jst copy the code to the left of it changing the (1) to whatever the id of your poll is.

BTW it's actually Advanced Poll 2.09 still the change to 3 in the code was a mistake.
Forum Index » Profile for Carbonize » Messages posted by Carbonize
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