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Messages posted by: Auron
Forum Index » Profile for Auron » Messages posted by Auron
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If you look at the demo polls on this site its (not sure tbh though)...

set_templateset not set_template_set IIRC.

Not sure about the other error though. Give Carbonize a PM asking him to have a look at this thread.
Can you please post what is on line 4 of common.inc.php and all the related poll code in mypolls.php.

Have you set the poll path in the admin correctly?
Hmm... Odd.

Maybe a PHP bug?
What version of agb are you running?
is your poll pathe /public/pages/poll/

ie to your poll installation.

Another thought is there might be a form tag in the poll (before you vote) where a return address is stored.

You may also wish to download and install version 2.0.5-dev from this site as this may solve your problem with version 2.0.3.
Kristen16 wrote:How do you check if the server is running?

If you've got a standard install of MySQL (late-ish version) there should be an icon for it in the taskbar, so check that. If there isn't then hit ctrl-alt-del and look for a process named something along the lines of mysql-nt. If that is running then the MySQL server is running. Another method is a call to phpinfo...

If MySQL appears or has some details filled in then MySQL is running.

Other things to check are port numbers, username's and password's.
tekky wrote:I've been waiting on any kind of help for over a month now. Should I scrap the program and just try something different, something with some support? ANY advice is good advice at this point, but pretty much it's just different people popping in each week or so with their own questions that nobody ever answers.


From the sound of your posts your poll path may need setting in the admin panel.

You can also sest the poll path manually when you include booth.php...

For any one willing to try there is a new version of adv. poll version 2.0.5-dev, i presume the dev to mean in development / beta, so use at your risk etc etc.

Just had a thought -

from what you just said it sounds like you installed adv. poll once thru fantastico and then once using the download from this site. Maybe your accessing the wrong install of the poll ie. the one where you haven't configured the config.nc.php file. But, you have configured the config.in.php file another copy of adv. poll somewhere else that your not accessing.

If you understand that then I commend you ; ) try removing adv. poll and starting afresh using the download of this site following the instructions in my guide - not the word one the .rtf one if I remember correctly.

No problem.

I may eventually get round to updating / improving the documents.
If you have any suggestions after reading them drop me a message here or a PM.

No, you should be able to browser to the admin panel like this...


You'll have to check your directory structure for where /admin is.
Once there you can configure your poll path.
mushcs wrote:Hello I am new here...

Could someone please advise on how to get rid of the Human verification? Thanks

All I can say is follow the steps in reverse order, un-doing what you did at each step.
There is no uninstall script or instructions as far as I know.
To me your config looks correct as well so I'm rather confused as to why it won't work.

There's two things I can think of...

1) PHP bug
2) Incompatibility between PHP version and MySQL version

I would recommend sending an e-mail to your host about this incase they know something we don't.
Could also send Carbonize a PM since he's a damn good PHP coder.

Sorry I couldn't be of more help to you, if I think of anything I'll let you know.

In the poll admin panel there is a poll path setting under general settings.
Try setting that or setting it to different path's to see if that solves the problem.
I say that because...

Wrong username or password?

This "1" should be 1 only use "..." for newest

Smarty templates allow PHP but I'm not sure if there isn't some sort of conflict between the two somewhere.

Have you put the correct settings in config.inc.php?
Check your ISP's or Mail Client's SPAM rules or Junk e-mail box in case they got labelled as spam.
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