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Messages posted by: Carbonize
Forum Index » Profile for Carbonize » Messages posted by Carbonize
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As I asked earlier do you have any other web scripts running that use the same database?
The password is stored encrypted. The error message is saying that the database account you are trying to use does not have permission to access the database in question.
If the host you are using has Cpanel then you might be able to install the guestbook using Fantastico.

As to the error message it is saying that the MySQL user pembrokewcorgi does not have permission to access the database. If you have other scripts running that use the database have a look at their config files to see what username and password they are using.
Well that's correct but it's not working for some reason.

Email me your config.inc.php file to webmaster@carbonize.co.uk
Please paste the line for the base_url from your config.inc.php file.
It's possible but would require a lot of modification.
I told them to edit the body.php template to remove the link.

Ich erzählte ihnen die body.php Vorlage bearbeiten, um den Link entfernen.
All radio inputs have to be given the same name like name="whereTo" but individual values. You then use $_GET['whereTo'] to see which one they selected.

If you are learning you need to read w3schools.com
You would have to look at their chosen option then use header("Location: http://whatever");
Sounds like a conflict somewhere possibly in database connection names or even just a variable.
You need to speak to your hosts about it. Also inform them that their version of Fantastico is offering out of date, and possibly exploitable, scripts. Advanced Polls latest version is 2.08 and has been for some time.
I mean I would have to log in to the admin side of it.
I'll have to install the guestbook again and have a look.
You sure there is no password field in administration ?
Should work fine. You do mean comments and not entries?
Forum Index » Profile for Carbonize » Messages posted by Carbonize
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