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Messages posted by: Carbonize
Forum Index » Profile for Carbonize » Messages posted by Carbonize
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booth.php I think
No that's not right.

That bit should be

if ($GB_PG["base_url"] == "")

The line you need to change looks like

$GB_PG["base_url"] = "";

Change it to

$GB_PG["base_url"] = "http://www.kathykuczek.com/guestbook/";
The guestbook is already installed on your site - http://www.kathykuczek.com/guestbook/

You need to edit the base_url found in config.inc.php to point to http://www.kathykuczek.com/guestbook/ but other than that you are set to go.
If I remember I might take a look at the script next week.
Then you have already created the tables. But http://www.kathykuczek.com/guestbook/ is saying

1044 Access denied for user 'kathykuc_lynn'@'localhost' to database 'guestbook'

So you need to check the permissions for the database account you are using.
Because when you call the file from the other directory it overwrites all the variables and functions from the first one. You would have to actually get in there and start editing function names and so on.
Why is that to bad? Removing the text version of the email address still leaves the email link at the top of the entry.
Only real fix would be to remove the email address from that section. You will find it in entry.php
Gern geschehen
Can you PM me the contents of your config.inc.php file please.

Können Sie mir PM den Inhalt Ihrer Datei config.inc.php bitte.
I assume you mean using JavaScript.
The database is the database name which you can find in your config.inc.php file. The username and password are the new username and password you would like.


Die database ist der Name der database die Sie in Ihrer config.inc.php Datei nicht finden können. Der username und das password sind die neuen username und ein password das Sie möchten.
Ah the loop issue. Was this a new install or an update?
You need to change the link to point to your guestbook then add the /misc/forget_pass.php

Sie müssen sich ändern, um den Link zu Ihrem Gästebuch zeigen Sie dann fügen Sie die /misc/forget_pass.php

Just confirm that the error you get is that it tells you your username or password is incorrect?
Forum Index » Profile for Carbonize » Messages posted by Carbonize
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