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Check your messages. I sent you a response.
Maybe consider selecting IP checking in Admin General Settings.
See item #5 of Auron's instructions In this thread:
Also take a look at Auron's instructions here, which say the cookie expiration time should be the same as the lock-out time:
Search this forum. Use search strings such as:
poll AND votes
poll AND reload
poll AND refresh
poll AND cookie
poll AND IP
Why don't you post your page info, or if you prefer, you can email it to me. Or maybe pm ET for help.
Copying this from another post:
You need to create a poll in your Poll Admin Panel and then put the codes in whichever of your website's pages that you want to include a poll. If you want the poll to appear on your home page, add the codes to your index file.
Start that page with the poll cookie code:
[list] [/list]Just like it says, this code goes before the <html> at the very beginning of your document.
Then wherever in the document that you want the poll to appear, you add the poll code. You can get the poll code from your Poll Admin Panel by clicking on "Help". Example of a poll code:
[list] [/list] In the poll code, change username to your cpanel username, and change x to the poll number. Admin Panel Help will also give you the code to display random polls or the latest poll. To use other templates, see the demos and tweak the code to fit your site.
Save the file with a .php extension or search this forum if you want instructions for .html or .shtml.
Search this forum for instructions and you will find lots of posts. Use this search string: poll AND instructions
See the sticky at the top of the forum, "How To Install Advanced Poll" or read Auron's instructions:
Advanced Poll v2.02 -- Installation / Instructions..
When I used the file extension, it wouldn't work... but then my page has a .php extension. You could try:
<img src="counter.php?page=test&digit=classic" alt="Counter" border="0">
or try changing test.html to test.php.
If you are using the flat file method, write permissions need changing for the pages directory and the count.txt file.
Are you using code that calls up the graphic template, as in demo 6? See the other demos for the style you want.
If, while in the Admin Panel, you click on help, it will give you the code to place in your file to get the default template, and I believe it will have your correct path. You just change the x to the Poll ID#.
It will also give the code to show random polls or the latest poll.
Examples are shown in the sticky at the top of the forum "How To Install Advanced Poll" (at the end).
If you are using Advanced Guestbook, visitors are still on your site, just in the guestbook directory. Include a link back to your home page by either adding your own header to the guestbook or adding a home page link to the dropdown menu.
The sticky at the top of this Advanced Guestbook Forum, aptly titled "READ THIS BEFORE POSTING ANY QUESTIONS!" gives the links to posts which explain how to add your header or change the dropdown menu. Here... I copied the links for you, but if you switch to the Lazarus Guestbook you will have a much easier time getting the guestbook to look like the rest of your site.
Getting Your Logo and Menus In The Guestbook:
[list:41fc15a900]Include your header, by Carbonize:
How can I integrate my guestbook into an existing site?:
A newbies guide to placing the guestbook in an html page, by fatjack:
How To Change The Drop Down Menu In Advanced Guestbook, by Trevor:
Adding Guestbook to a Frame:[/list:u:41fc15a900]
I don't have a clue. Did you download the script from this site and install or use Fantastico? A previous post from Carbonize suggests problems with installing from CPanel.
Maybe you should try and email Auron.
I'm not seeing any poll at What page is it on?
What script? Guestbook? Poll? Links?...
A search for password or password AND reset might yield some results.
If about the Guestbook, read the sticky post that says "read this before posting..."
Simple script to reset your (Advanced Guestbook) password
I believe I saw the answer to this a couple of weeks ago on the WordPress support forum. Unfortunately, I do not remember the solution. I ran across it while doing a search for "Advanced Poll." So, I thought I would look it up for you, but now a search for "Advanced Poll" yields no results. This is strange considering I have made a post there on this topic and it still shows up in my profile. I am planning on adding WordPress to some sites, and I hope this is no indication of problems with the search feature. Perhaps the support forum did some pruning?
Here is a post where the person says they could not add Advanced Poll. Someone pointed them to a plugin for html, and they say it worked:
Stumped by Advanced Poll v2.03
If you try the above method, please return to this forum and let us know if it worked.
Here's a different poll plugin for Wordpress:
Direct download:
Here's another one:
(Found all this stuff by searching Google)
Check your path settings in Admin:
Also see demo one:
In the demo, the author has included the poll path after the cookie. Maybe that will help?
If you selected check IP Table in the Admin General Settings, the IP is added after a vote. Next time, it checks the table and if the IP address is there you can't vote again. Some people, like me, get a different IP every time they connect to the Internet. That's why I can sometimes vote and sometimes I can't.
Did you read Auron's instructions? He discusses this.
Advanced Poll 2.0.2 Help and Instructions!
Advanced Poll v2.02 -- Installation / Instructions...
Auron explained this in the instructions:
Advanced Poll 2.0.2 Help and Instructions!
Advanced Poll v2.02 -- Installation / Instructions...