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"Access denied for user: 'root@localhost'. It is saying your database username is root. That means you didn't change it in the file.
The file information below needs to be changed to your information.
Above your post is a sticky that says "read this before posting...". In it is a link to the post that explains how to customize this file:
Admin file:
Maybe this post will help:
For more info, do a search. Click on the search button at the top of this forum and in the box type in:
poll AND cookie
poll AND instructions
So, you are attempting to install the database version. Did you first add the information to the file as mentioned in the readme?
Open the configuration file '' with a text editor
and set up your database settings.
I haven't installed the database version (using textfile), but I think you also need to set the permissions as shown in the textfile/readme.
Give write permissions to the webserver on the configuration files.
polldata 777 (drwxrwxrwx) (directory)
- 1 666 (-rw-rw-rw)
- 2 666 (-rw-rw-rw)
- 3 666 (-rw-rw-rw)
- session.php 666 (-rw-rw-rw)
templates 777 (drwxrwxrwx) (directory)
| default 777 (drwxrwxrwx) (directory)
- comment.html 666 (-rw-rw-rw)
- display_foot.html 666 (-rw-rw-rw)
- display_head.html 666 (-rw-rw-rw)
- display_loop.html 666 (-rw-rw-rw)
- result_head.html 666 (-rw-rw-rw)
- result_foot.html 666 (-rw-rw-rw)
- result_loop.html 666 (-rw-rw-rw)
| graphic 777 (drwxrwxrwx) (directory)
- ...
include 755 (drwxr-xr-x) (directory)
- 666 (-rw-rw-rw)
I don't get it. I see no poll... no vote button. All I see is one comment and a place to enter a comment.
The path in Admin/General Settings is correct...? so post a link to your poll page.
Maybe re-check everything:
The file:
[list]Find out if your host requires using .cgi instead of .pl and, if necessary, substitute that extension.
Make sure you have (or links.cgi) in your official cgi-bin directory that came with your hosting plan and its permissions are set to 755. Also make sure the first line of that file has the correct path to Perl. Usually /usr/bin/perl, but yours might be different. Check with your host, or it may be shown in CPanel.
Change the info on lines 17 thru 27 in the (or links.cgi) file to match your site info. Instead of "localhost" use the exact address:
Change the password on line 33 to whatever you want:
All of the other files should be in their own directory called links.
In addlink.html, change line 93 to show the correct location for your (or links.cgi) file. Again, use the exact address instead of "localhost":
If you still get errors, check to make sure all files were uploaded. Maybe check server logs.
I have installed the free links on 3 websites. It seems the first time I got the 500 error because of "localhost." Changing to the exact address solved the problem.
Some spammers abuse these free link pages. Suggest you exclude them from the search engines. I also changed the page names to remove "ffa."
Hope this info helps.
For the textfile method, the count files are located in the Pages directory.
For the database method, it's the Counter table. Use PhpMyAdmin to edit the data.
I've got text version of Advanced Poll and I can't get rid of this error:
Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /usr/local/apache2/htdocs/sonda.php on line 10
Can you post a link to your page, sonda.php?
Not sure, but maybe you need register_globals turned on.
simulationcity wrote:I found the option to change it from percentages to votes in the option page.
Could you please explain this for other people who might want to do this? What do you mean by "options page"? I do not have any link like that.
poll path in the admin? huh?
Log into the poll's Administration Panel.
On the top menu, click on "General Settings"
Under "Modify the general settings" make sure the paths to the poll directory and image directory are correct.
URL to poll directory: /poll
URL to image directory: /poll/image
If you put the poll files in a directory other than "poll" you would need to change the info above to match yours.
Set the file permissions. Here are links to some posts that attempt to explain. You can set permissions from the File Manager in CPanel, or from some FTP programs like CuteFTP.
Explanation of Chmod File Permissions:
How to change File Permissions from the CPanel:
In my download of the script (which was done a long time ago), the db readme file does not include the following instructions, but I am thinking it needs to be done. I have not used the database version, so I am only guessing here. Auron is the expert and should be visiting soon.
1. Upload all php files in ASCII-mode to your server.
Give write permissions to the webserver on the configuration files.
polldata 777 (drwxrwxrwx) (directory)
- 1 666 (-rw-rw-rw)
- 2 666 (-rw-rw-rw)
- 3 666 (-rw-rw-rw)
- session.php 666 (-rw-rw-rw)
templates 777 (drwxrwxrwx) (directory)
| default 777 (drwxrwxrwx) (directory)
- comment.html 666 (-rw-rw-rw)
- display_foot.html 666 (-rw-rw-rw)
- display_head.html 666 (-rw-rw-rw)
- display_loop.html 666 (-rw-rw-rw)
- result_head.html 666 (-rw-rw-rw)
- result_foot.html 666 (-rw-rw-rw)
- result_loop.html 666 (-rw-rw-rw)
| graphic 777 (drwxrwxrwx) (directory)
- ...
include 755 (drwxr-xr-x) (directory)
- 666 (-rw-rw-rw)
2. Goto the admin page ->
Username: admin
Password: poll
and change the username and password.
It looks like a template issue. Demo 3 shows the number of votes in parentheses after the percentages.
Demo 3 uses the plain template. I looked at the result_loop for the plain template and found the following code:
So I'm guessing it is a matter of using this plain template or including the ($vote_count) code in the result_loop of any other template you use. If the template directories and files permissions were set according to the info in the readme file, you should be able to edit the result_loop from the poll's Administration Panel.
Auron, will that work?
The answers are in the posts.
Use: This tag supports complete external php scripts, ending with the *.php suffix. Phpwcms buffers output to enable these scripts to execute. Very robust including connections to remote databases. See forum for details and usage.
Notation: {PHP:my_external_PHP_script.php}
Result: -
Remark: The file name including the necessary indication of path is to be entered. Longer PHP scripts should be merged if necessary within iframe within phpwcms.
the Replacementtags used in phpWCMS are casesesitive. So [PHP] is not the same as [php].
In your code for external php, you are not calling the poll script. You are just calling the cookie:
I think this is the poll script:
Include poll with external php [SOLVED]
We are using Advanced Poll 2.0.3. Maybe you need to upgrade?
In the Poll's Admin Panel, you can go to the Poll List and click on the stats icon for a particular poll. Then click on Reset log statistic. You can also delete the polls there.
Are you using the textfile or database version?
In the textfile version, numbered files are stored in the polldata directory. You could edit the contents of the appropriate file.
...and I believe the votes for the database version are located in the poll_data table. You could edit the database table in PhpMyAdmin.
PhpNuke is coded to automatically add the modules/guestbook part, so don't include this in your base url. I got a 404 error when attempting to visit That shouldn't be happening if your PhpNuke is indeed in that directory.
I hope you are using Chatserv's patched version of PhpNuke - otherwise you are bound to run into problems and security risks. Chatserv's patches can be found at:
Speaking of security, there is a great program available for PhpNuke. It's called Sentinel. If you haven't got it, you need to. It will stop hackers dead!
Have you tried the Lazarus Guestbook?