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Messages posted by: ET
Forum Index » Profile for ET » Messages posted by ET
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- PHP + GD 1.6 or higher (PNG Support)


1) Create counter directory (It can be any name you choose)
& upload the following files into that new counter directory
- config.inc.php
- counter.php
- phpinfo.php
- demo.php
- error.png

2) Create a new directory inside the counter directory named digits
*** (it must have the name "digits") ***
Upload the folders with the digit images inside the digits directory
-- you only need to upload the folders for the images
that you want to use - there is no need to load all --

3) Decide now whether you want to use the flat file method for the png counter or to use MySQL database.
*** You need to have some knowledge about creating your own database name and tables to use MySQL. ***

a) If you decide to use the flat files continue at step #4 - 5
b) If you want to create a MySQL database, jump to step #6

4) Create a new directory in the counter directory named pages and upload the count.txt file into the "pages" directory.

5) You will need to change the write permissions on the directory
and on the count.txt
- pages (chmod) 777 (drwxrwxrwx) (the directory)
- \ - count.txt (chmod) 666 (-rw-rw-rw) (the file)

Now Jump to Step #9


+++ To Create the SQL Database +++
This process may vary from server to server and webhost to webhost.

6) Create and Name a new database in the MySQL admin section.

6a) Using Notepad or text editor, create a file named "counter.txt" and insert the following information:

6b) Save your new counter.txt file on your harddrive for uploading into your newly created database.

6c) Enter into your new database which is currently empty (only has a name) and you should find an option or browse function that allows you to upload or import table information. Use this feature to find your counter.txt on your harddrive and click "upload" or "import" or "go"
** different systems have different names for loading the table information so I can't give you a definite description on this process.

6d) Once you have uploaded the counter.txt file - you should now have a basic db_table that has two fields. One field is pages and one field is count.

7) Adjust your config.inc.php files to allow the system access into the MySQL database.

change these lines:

*** Note - On $CFG['dbhost'] - my system would not allow me to use the host's server address and default port - you may need to use the localhost function in some situations.
Leave all the other settings in config.inc.php (below this portion) alone until you know that you have the files working correctly.

In the file counter.php

should be changed to

8) After making these database changes to the config.inc.php & counter.php files, save (and upload) the changes. Now type the whole url of the config.inc.php (e.g. http://mywebsite.com/counter/config.inc.php ) file to run the file in your browser online to check for errors. If no errors show up on that page, then move to step 9.

### If MySQL fails to work for you ###
8a) If your attempts to use the database fail, you can always revert back to the text files in the pages directory (see steps 4 & 5) by changing the following line back to false:

in the config.inc.php

And revert back to

in the counter.php - Then saving/loading them back over the earlier changes.


9) Try the demo.php page (e.g. http://mywebsite.com/counter/demo.php )
On the first try, you should see "error" on the page. You should also see a list of the digit folders that are linked to the demo. Once you click on one of those links, you should begin to see the digits accruing as you change from one style to the next.

10) Once you have the demo.php page functioning, you know that you are ready to start adding your counter to your other pages.



page --> the name of the page you want to track

digit --> the digit set from the digits directory
I was noticing that the instructions for PNG counter are sadly lacking - Here are some tips and suggestions

Amber has previously pointed these out

Explanation of Chmod File Permissions:

How to change File Permissions from the CPanel:

The Counter:

On the next post - I'll include the "Readme" that I developed from notes I've made over time after installing the script.
I don't use this poll

Did you read this thread? I realize you have searched but sometimes, when we are frustrated we miss things...

If you have already seen it, I apologize for adding to your frustration.
Hi Trudy - you will likely receive help faster if you post support questions like this in the support section of the forum. Did you use the search function to search out this question? There's lots of information about retrieving lost passwords in other posts.
Cool - glad you found the answer.
As an aside and other comment to this topic - the one thing I have discovered (using AG2.2 - not sure about the upgraded 2.3.1 version) is the following problem:

When some people are trying to pull in images using the will cause an error message that invalid code has been used (I think it is message 10 in the English Lang file.)
But if the visitor uses a shorter url the image will show up just fine.... It seems to have an impact in how many "/s" get used in the url....

Just an observation that I have in regards to images and the guestbook....
martin - http://proxy2.de/forum/viewtopic.php?t=4093 was discussed this past week.... The error was only showing up when a person previewed the image before submitting....
Yep - probably a server / host issue - especially if the script was working fine and the only thing you were doing was modifying a few lines.... The only other time I will see that error is if a webmangler changes his account password but doesn't change the password in a script's config file that contains the MySql path and password....
There was another person recently that had a similar problem in the Preview function with Photos not displaying - only it was with the upload and preview - Don't remember if the issue was resolved but you might search out that thread....
I think I'll bump this one up again....
I know nothing about the polls but here's a recommendation -

Did you run a query search on the forum yet? There's a lot of poll installation information around if you use the search engine on the forum to find them.

Feel free to search around as I know that your question has been answered on here someplace.
Dieter wrote:# path to the log files from the server root without trailing "/" (chmoded to 777 (drwxrwxrwx))
$base_dir = "http://www.domain.com/logstat/logfiles";

Here is your errored line - it can not be a URL
should look more like (but will depend on your actual webserver setup)
$base_dir = "/home/domain-id/public_html/logstat/logfiles";

That first portion "/home/domain-id/public_html" is called your document_root and an explanation how to find the document_root can be found with a search of this forum.
Glad to have been able to help a little bit! Sometimes it takes a few other thinks to begin to figure out what the problem might be Hoping you get it all the way figured out.

Be well and Good luck
Okay - so that might kinda rule the CP editor factor out.

ummmmmmm..... I'll keep thinking on this one. One immediate Problem Solving think I have is.... try a temporarily switch to another language (one that you know you did not edit) from the AG admin area. Then immediately go to the guestbook to try adding a comment to see if that error still shows up....
Editor in the Control Panel - That might be what is causing the problem.

Have you normally used the control panel editor to modify your php scripts/pages without any problems?
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