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Forum Index » Advanced Guestbook Forum [XML]
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Dutch date code question 5 Niels 246508 26/08/2005 15:22:39
Sander [Latest Reply]
IP logs? 1 Spike 9836 26/08/2005 15:17:17
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
Error in index.php file when upgrading to Advance Guestbook 2 ayjay47 13711 24/08/2005 09:49:02
ayjay47 [Latest Reply]
Emoticon characters aren't converted to pictures in V 2.3.2 7 Artimidor 27045 22/08/2005 20:50:46
Artimidor [Latest Reply]
Email on entries is showing code "javascript:getEmail(' 6 Johnny Stevens 16260 22/08/2005 12:07:51
Johnny Stevens [Latest Reply]
No Image display 1 ashtondylan 10234 22/08/2005 11:07:03
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
cant install 7 malavan 18034 22/08/2005 11:05:06
malavan [Latest Reply]
PERSIAN 8 malavan 18875 21/08/2005 16:58:31
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
two guestbooks in different sites 7 lepman 20008 18/08/2005 22:54:22
lepman [Latest Reply]
can I change gbook.gif ? 11 fatjacK 35237 18/08/2005 05:21:46
Guest [Latest Reply]
Remove drop down menu 1 kittyslave 11166 11/08/2005 21:42:09
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
Advanced Guestbook 2.3.3 12 Carbonize 494121 11/08/2005 18:52:46
forktender [Latest Reply]
Parse error: parse error, unexpected ':' 6 GarySmith 19155 11/08/2005 18:25:46
GarySmith [Latest Reply]
Problem after install..... HELP 5 armani2 14293 11/08/2005 04:07:55
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
How to add a search function effectively? 9 riza 22018 09/08/2005 00:20:42
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
email displaying incorrectly 10 mcpalmer 22072 08/08/2005 23:10:52
DonMaster [Latest Reply]
Required image field 0 joesebor 9744 05/08/2005 21:16:35
joesebor [Latest Reply]
insert really useful title here! 1 adamyans 11052 05/08/2005 18:34:51
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
Extracting from zip 5 Neebski 14840 05/08/2005 17:12:55
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
Reason to upgrade fom 2.3.1 to 2.3.3 ? 1 tnas 10829 05/08/2005 07:41:24
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
Guestbook - Error One of the input fields does not seem to 9 lilwanya 22386 02/08/2005 22:02:42
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
see my hacked guestbook now 3 socomoroco1 13400 02/08/2005 10:17:22
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
Failing to show URL 10 MartinN 21305 31/07/2005 15:06:16
MartinN [Latest Reply]
email notification message in admin 4 NoeyG 14806 31/07/2005 13:52:53
NoeyG [Latest Reply]
Preview fails to work! 8 MartinN 18507 31/07/2005 13:15:22
MartinN [Latest Reply]
Advance Guestbook hacking from the browser name 3 Capone 14021 30/07/2005 16:29:54
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
Spam 5 Ferniz 246352 30/07/2005 08:12:31
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
owner's approval for a comment in the adv. guestbook 11 corto66 24390 30/07/2005 07:30:03
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
having trouble moving guestbook to new server... 2 tinat 12961 29/07/2005 23:46:21
tinat [Latest Reply]
Changing the date of a post 3 lifeonmars 14353 27/07/2005 15:30:55
lifeonmars [Latest Reply]
Connection Error 1 100% 11813 27/07/2005 10:47:54
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
error 2000/line 41 5 bruinsma 14687 25/07/2005 19:52:55
bruinsma [Latest Reply]
how to post 2 or more picture? 1 jpcusa 10257 23/07/2005 19:12:52
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
Parse error: parse error, unexpected-What is this? 1 GarySmith 11533 23/07/2005 17:45:31
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
Disable private message In guestbook 3 BAmos 15088 21/07/2005 22:31:44
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
Too many connections 6 ChrisFlyer 16130 20/07/2005 02:42:03
JTD [Latest Reply]
One of the input fields does not seem to be valid 14 Cartesius 25839 19/07/2005 22:43:44
Cartesius [Latest Reply]
emoticon list 3 jonnwyrd 14101 19/07/2005 10:48:26
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
email notification 1 jonnwyrd 10791 18/07/2005 02:42:08
jonnwyrd [Latest Reply]
Using Censor Words to Fight Spam 0 lloyd_borrett 247976 18/07/2005 02:09:09
lloyd_borrett [Latest Reply]
Old date and entries not visible 7 lepman 18725 17/07/2005 22:40:08
lepman [Latest Reply]
Cannot post pictures. 1 nchristoforou 10740 11/07/2005 18:39:09
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
Human Verification
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15 Jonathan 34006 09/07/2005 07:52:36
billkellum [Latest Reply]
Error messages after editing the language files 1 sylentrave 10923 08/07/2005 18:50:26
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
Adding navigation links to the bottom of pages 5 middleeastfacts 16075 08/07/2005 18:13:10
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
Patch for usergent exploit. 0 Carbonize 478480 06/07/2005 18:54:23
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
Is it possible to ban a host name? 9 ajla 21020 05/07/2005 21:54:34
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
How 2 transfer from 1 server to another? 3 wbmster24 13047 05/07/2005 21:52:29
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
How do I remove the URL option from add entry page? 1 Bethany 11820 05/07/2005 19:06:12
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
My guestbook hacked (I know... I'm sorry) 8 Lobster 23837 30/06/2005 11:52:15
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
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