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Forum Index » Advanced Guestbook Forum [XML]
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[Mod] Human Verification test for Advanced GuestBook 2.3.4
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19 Wappendorf 32954 16/10/2005 15:34:12
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
Advanced Install error 0 heisle 6137 14/10/2005 01:44:36
heisle [Latest Reply]
upgrade 2.3.1 to 2.3.4 3 xtrem 8030 12/10/2005 17:32:16
xtrem [Latest Reply]
How do you install Advanced Guestbook??? 0 ElectricLixxx 6247 12/10/2005 01:43:09
ElectricLixxx [Latest Reply]
Error trying to save GENERAL SETTINGS 5 bob4u 9377 11/10/2005 22:37:16
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
Smilies in reply messages 2 Jaydeem 7294 11/10/2005 21:01:28
Jaydeem [Latest Reply]
change background 3 novello 9138 09/10/2005 14:56:53
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
email notification not working at all 4 jarrod 9169 06/10/2005 20:19:55
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
what happened? open "sign guestbook" and see blank 6 sophia 11412 06/10/2005 20:18:58
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
Guestbook and entry form on one page 1 3xtreme 6584 06/10/2005 17:53:26
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
Human verification for 2.3.4 - same as for 2.3.2? 1 sophia 6530 06/10/2005 17:52:53
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
Upgrade from 2.3.1 ==> 2.3.4 1 bob4u 6671 05/10/2005 09:54:55
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
Administrator Login Problems after PHP & MySQL upgrade 1 bob4u 7232 05/10/2005 09:54:17
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
AdvencedGuestBook - Erreur 404 (no find page) 2 pierito 8826 04/10/2005 22:35:12
pierito [Latest Reply]
Adding a Poll to the Advanced Guestbook 1 heatfan 6607 04/10/2005 22:20:28
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
AGB install HELP!! 2 NubiaDeuce 7393 04/10/2005 22:08:26
NubiaDeuce [Latest Reply]
Advanced Guestbook Help 4 heatfan 21386 04/10/2005 05:30:39
amber222 [Latest Reply]
Editing the lang/english.php file 2 heatfan 7240 03/10/2005 21:34:07
amber222 [Latest Reply]
Questbook Spam can you help me? 1 Zweetyhaai 6460 03/10/2005 17:18:51
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
Error:1045 Access denied for user: 'root@localhost' 1 tuldok89 6336 03/10/2005 14:19:02
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
Can't enter banned IPs 3 vtat 8092 02/10/2005 20:31:48
JTD [Latest Reply]
Help with install 2 billman 7224 30/09/2005 17:08:01
billman [Latest Reply]
Admin password problems 2 madfiddler 9611 28/09/2005 03:00:01
madfiddler [Latest Reply]
Problems Posting Advanced Guestbook 7 technofax 12544 27/09/2005 23:01:49
technofax [Latest Reply]
Hide URL? 2 jenbrink1 7830 26/09/2005 21:56:21
jenbrink1 [Latest Reply]
Making an RSS feed 4 middleeastfacts 10180 26/09/2005 05:27:53
middleeastfacts [Latest Reply]
Reset Script doesnt work 0 itsalwaysme 6014 24/09/2005 19:01:22
itsalwaysme [Latest Reply]
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17 lindasgifts 25455 21/09/2005 22:18:41
lindasgifts [Latest Reply]
How to put a link? 3 akira 10564 21/09/2005 18:24:53
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
Instructions for upgrading to 2.3.4? 10 midkiff 18302 21/09/2005 16:06:45
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
Return to original site when finished? 3 jj 10165 19/09/2005 23:36:09
jj [Latest Reply]
AGB won't install error 1 NewtonLoops 7412 17/09/2005 18:41:44
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
Advanced Guestbook Login, Cannot Use Administration Links 11 guestman 20522 16/09/2005 18:36:03
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
Error when signing guestbook 3 brainfreezed 15265 15/09/2005 09:28:19
broken0678 [Latest Reply]
resizing guest's appearing entry tables 4 marmalade kat 10780 14/09/2005 23:58:50
marmalade kat [Latest Reply]
Put No. of guestbook entrys on index 1 Sander 8287 14/09/2005 19:19:06
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
daily spam at Advanced Guestbook 2.3.1 6 zappa99 13678 12/09/2005 02:10:41
Whitespliff [Latest Reply]
php in templates doesn't work 7 beg 13841 11/09/2005 17:57:59
beg [Latest Reply]
transparent body 5 Bargemanos 13152 10/09/2005 23:37:05
Bargemanos [Latest Reply]
Guestbook and entry form on one page 2 Wiz-of-oz 10698 10/09/2005 20:04:21
3xtreme [Latest Reply]
Administration Login 1 electricdan 8464 10/09/2005 00:56:59
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
Problems with Advanced Guestbook 2.3.3. 7 padraigh 16363 09/09/2005 00:35:08
padraigh [Latest Reply]
Replace [at] into an @-picture 1 Niels 217676 05/09/2005 14:17:09
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
php include 3 Wiz-of-oz 12936 03/09/2005 22:28:17
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
Include users online 1 orazio 9519 03/09/2005 21:40:46
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
"Thank you for stopping by my site. Here you can leave. 2 Tribal 10814 01/09/2005 17:48:07
Tribal [Latest Reply]
THis is the error 6 joecanz 13491 01/09/2005 13:43:26
joecanz [Latest Reply]
ERROR when I try to install on vdeck 0 joecanz 8198 30/08/2005 16:56:24
joecanz [Latest Reply]
Place own counter 1 lepman 9269 29/08/2005 22:03:30
JTD [Latest Reply]
Hey 9 Sander 17343 26/08/2005 20:45:57
Sander [Latest Reply]
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