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Removing Number of Voters 5 Guest 4850 10/12/2004 09:09:29
Guest [Latest Reply]
Hacked? 1 Guest 3786 09/12/2004 02:32:17
Faliol [Latest Reply]
approving messages? 2 Guest 3474 08/12/2004 21:40:33
Guest [Latest Reply]
Removing homepage field 4 Guest 7482 08/12/2004 10:53:17
Guest [Latest Reply]
Still confused about resetting password 8 Guest 6665 07/12/2004 23:07:48
Guest [Latest Reply]
advanced guestbook & outlook express 2 fatjacK 6318 07/12/2004 23:05:18
fatjacK [Latest Reply]
Poll Question: IP vs Cookie? 1 candidog 4808 07/12/2004 22:37:49
Auron [Latest Reply]
some manual step by step to guest book i canĀ“t install 6 Guest 5698 07/12/2004 17:53:28
Guest [Latest Reply]
db very slow :(
[ Go to page: 1, 2 ]
17 Guest 89023 07/12/2004 13:24:51
Guest [Latest Reply]
Advanced Guestbook Templates 1 wolfwind 3846 06/12/2004 19:33:07
JTD [Latest Reply]
Admin Autorize post 1 Guest 2618 06/12/2004 15:50:45
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
How do spam programs find Adv guestbooks? 1 Guest 2624 06/12/2004 02:20:30
Guest [Latest Reply]
Comment Text Color for Guestbook? 4 Guest 4104 06/12/2004 02:10:46
amber222 [Latest Reply]
Webserver permissions 5 Guest 4302 05/12/2004 20:03:30
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
NOT ABLE TO CHANGE SMILIES 3 Guest 3816 05/12/2004 20:01:52
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
Free for all links 0 Guest 2771 05/12/2004 13:32:09
Guest [Latest Reply]
Modifications on Advanced Poll 0 Guest 2468 05/12/2004 01:03:47
Guest [Latest Reply]
Help with one modification 1 Guest 2738 04/12/2004 21:17:44
amber222 [Latest Reply]
guest book 1 Guest 2613 04/12/2004 21:06:12
amber222 [Latest Reply]
weblink text 2 zacphotos 3994 04/12/2004 12:34:16
JTD [Latest Reply]
Advanced Poll Vote Problem!!! 9 Guest 5773 04/12/2004 06:59:44
Guest [Latest Reply]
Some problems in Advanced Poll 0 Guest 2523 04/12/2004 06:39:41
Guest [Latest Reply]
How to Create Catalogue system in Advanced Poll 0 Guest 2564 04/12/2004 04:27:22
Guest [Latest Reply]
Help PLEASE?! 5 Guest 5128 03/12/2004 21:56:16
Guest [Latest Reply]
Advanced Guestbook Password 2 Guest 5890 03/12/2004 16:46:53
amber222 [Latest Reply]
Advanced Poll 2.0.3 2 Guest 10974 03/12/2004 16:41:10
Guest [Latest Reply]
Getting new error msg after deleting new field 0 Guest 5028 02/12/2004 21:20:03
Guest [Latest Reply]
Administration 8 Juipter 8099 02/12/2004 19:27:32
Juipter [Latest Reply]
New Field giving me error message 2 Guest 3620 02/12/2004 15:57:37
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
gbook page.. 2 Guest 3758 02/12/2004 15:56:11
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
AGcodes - manual? 1 Guest 2882 02/12/2004 07:32:38
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
Advanced Poll Problem 1 Guest 2731 01/12/2004 23:54:35
Auron [Latest Reply]
Need Help Adding New Fields 2 Guest 3000 01/12/2004 22:05:31
Guest [Latest Reply]
Question isn't show in poll view 1 Guest 2373 01/12/2004 21:57:29
Guest [Latest Reply]
Guestbook Entry Files - How to find them? 3 Guest 5642 01/12/2004 21:22:59
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
Advanced Poll Problem 1 Guest 2994 01/12/2004 17:35:54
amber222 [Latest Reply]
->poll_process(5); HELP Please 0 Guest 2656 01/12/2004 01:31:02
Guest [Latest Reply]
Advan Poll problem 0 Guest 2640 01/12/2004 00:35:35
Guest [Latest Reply]
Problem with login Advanced Poll 2.03 3 Shiva 4367 30/11/2004 23:05:55
Auron [Latest Reply]
Adv.Poll - Stupid problem 3 keko 6012 30/11/2004 18:22:52
Guest [Latest Reply]
Advanced Poll multi voting problem 0 Guest 2847 30/11/2004 17:30:15
Guest [Latest Reply]
DB: cannont connect to database's 1 Guest 2635 30/11/2004 16:05:01
Guest [Latest Reply]
Booth Table not resizing 5 Guest 5627 30/11/2004 03:47:40
Guest [Latest Reply]
how to change template for Advancd Poll 5 Guest 11291 30/11/2004 00:36:50
Auron [Latest Reply]
header information 1 Guest 3716 29/11/2004 23:53:38
Auron [Latest Reply]
pictures & icons not showing in GB 4 Lyric 78201 29/11/2004 23:03:01
Lyric [Latest Reply]
(Adv. GB 2.3.1) Make a redirect from old, guestbook or not? 1 Guest 3215 29/11/2004 21:10:37
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
Advanced Poll Multilanguage 0 sakisg 3319 29/11/2004 12:04:51
sakisg [Latest Reply]
Mailform 4 sanalperisi 5132 28/11/2004 22:31:58
sanalperisi [Latest Reply]
Poll groups example (Auron, read please) 7 Johncr 8108 28/11/2004 07:57:38
Guest [Latest Reply]
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