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Forum Index » Advanced Guestbook Forum [XML]
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Still getting Spam 5 firehazzard 7321 19/01/2006 15:53:30
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
help us stop spam... 4 Faliol 8417 18/01/2006 21:29:31
Wappendorf [Latest Reply]
how to randomize human verfication text 2 mrbink 5766 18/01/2006 21:19:53
Wappendorf [Latest Reply]
greek language 4 micky77 6524 18/01/2006 15:33:45
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
MySQL 4.1.x compatible/ PHP 4.4.1 1 galpal 4681 17/01/2006 14:30:21
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
Cannot add entry to guestbook 6 snakeyez 38871 13/01/2006 17:04:10
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
getting error 3 erik69 5738 13/01/2006 17:00:34
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
deleting _existing_ spam...? 2 llama_thumper 5193 13/01/2006 00:13:06
llama_thumper [Latest Reply]
Date time question 2 ratskrad 5411 12/01/2006 22:00:05
ratskrad [Latest Reply]
error in Templates & change password pannel 3 shcto 5884 12/01/2006 18:42:55
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
how to delete entries 2 tcach 6683 09/01/2006 21:15:33
tcach [Latest Reply]
Error Number: 1030 1 angel3m 5361 09/01/2006 15:13:42
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
adding a url 1 sierrafun 5870 07/01/2006 01:22:28
JTD [Latest Reply]
Couldn't Log in to Admin, Now my guestbook won't load at all 3 D.R. White 7365 04/01/2006 22:58:03
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
Can't sign guest book
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19 abbood 36619 04/01/2006 19:08:36
kiranbj [Latest Reply]
AGB 2.3.4 + Human verification >> still get spam 2 Lord eAgle 7111 03/01/2006 21:51:49
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
Admin Problem message 1 Masterwebman 6899 01/01/2006 02:55:33
Masterwebman [Latest Reply]
advanced guestbook 2.3.3 signing problems 0 versetti 5218 30/12/2005 15:35:00
versetti [Latest Reply]
preview won't work 12 ann-vibeke 15248 23/12/2005 15:26:39
jornh [Latest Reply]
transparent tables 4 drewbenton 7126 22/12/2005 22:50:07
drewbenton [Latest Reply]
redirection url 0 agent 5226 22/12/2005 22:12:15
agent [Latest Reply]
comment password not working 4 marmalade kat 8544 22/12/2005 17:12:50
marmalade kat [Latest Reply]
Spam Advertisement 1 risk 5119 21/12/2005 18:51:21
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds 13 RobWestLoko 13931 20/12/2005 06:45:04
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
Notification of upgrades 2 Pam1234 6275 20/12/2005 02:27:33
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
Can I use the Guestbook with Windows 1 nyspqr 5452 19/12/2005 19:11:12
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
Is there a way to approve entries before posting?
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17 sireray 21061 17/12/2005 05:11:02
sireray [Latest Reply]
Language changes automatically 8 Niels 220006 14/12/2005 22:07:18
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
Transfering guestbook to a new server?
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18 Artimidor 29110 14/12/2005 21:01:06
kjiver [Latest Reply]
Language problem 1 Mr. Spock 6050 14/12/2005 16:16:25
Niels [Latest Reply]
Errors in database or addentry.php? 0 Bargemanos 9481 12/12/2005 21:01:57
Bargemanos [Latest Reply]
How to find the IP-address
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29 Niels 100646 12/12/2005 18:11:12
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
New entry does not appear in the guestbook 6 angel3m 11772 11/12/2005 05:52:08
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
No Picture upload 2 MarkyMark 6528 09/12/2005 23:58:44
MarkyMark [Latest Reply]
weird problem after upgrading 2.3.4 1 Faliol 5258 07/12/2005 09:51:24
Faliol [Latest Reply]
Change index.php folder 1 Charlychar 7658 06/12/2005 07:41:50
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
Back up entries 1 suav 5837 06/12/2005 05:07:03
JTD [Latest Reply]
error 11 ann-vibeke 14001 05/12/2005 17:28:05
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
How to count total comments? 0 PerJ 4695 05/12/2005 13:37:04
PerJ [Latest Reply]
PLEASE HELP. Can't log in as Admin in Guestbook v2.3.4 2 Snowman 5782 05/12/2005 07:37:49
Snowman [Latest Reply]
error in guestbook - Cannot create ID file guest_id.txt 0 keeppunching 4539 04/12/2005 07:48:31
keeppunching [Latest Reply]
How do I... 1 ricardo56 4871 04/12/2005 01:57:07
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
Need help to update. 4 ricardo56 7029 04/12/2005 00:20:53
ricardo56 [Latest Reply]
Can't login to admin 0 bvoegele 4526 03/12/2005 23:07:28
bvoegele [Latest Reply]
to change text 1 leandrofbn 5161 02/12/2005 22:14:27
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
I do not know more oque to make 5 leandrofbn 7404 02/12/2005 15:51:08
leandrofbn [Latest Reply]
Guestbook backup from older version of MySQL 2 andsmith79 9514 02/12/2005 14:26:31
andsmith79 [Latest Reply]
error + and private message 1 ann-vibeke 5622 02/12/2005 12:07:15
ann-vibeke [Latest Reply]
Human verification patch no longer enough 3 sitemouse 6840 01/12/2005 06:01:38
Carbonize [Latest Reply]
Edit Entry 2 drdave 6492 01/12/2005 03:31:40
drdave [Latest Reply]
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